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Powerfully Plural | Tantalizingly Trans | Seductively Scizospectral | Alluringly Autistic | Amazingly Alliterative | in our 40s | 18+ follows only plz
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Could someone please bless me tonight? I have only been able to raise $100 I am so far from my happiness please try to help and share thank you all❤️ #mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #helpsky #helpfolkslive2024 #translivesmatter #transcrowdfund #blacklivesmatter #BlackTransLives #Help #transition #viral
I am a 27 year old trans woman from the UK and I am hoping to raise funds for my transition, Waiting times on the NHS for transgender healthcare can be up to five years, just for an initial consultation✨ I just hope you can help me and to be happy #MutualAid Goal:£35.000
Transition Fund🏳️‍⚧️ I am a 27 year old trans woman from the UK, hoping to raise funds for my transition. The waiting times on the NHS for transgender healthcare can be up to 5 years, just for an initial consultation. My ...
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
I need mutual aid I'm disabled, and my partner was laid off. Pls help I need like 3k for rent atm (we live near LA) venmo: glitchwitch420 cashapp: givepancake
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Plus the post office was the only profitable portion of the federal government until Republicans decided to try to bankrupt it so they could privatize it.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
I suspect that's the truth of it. Most people, most libs and many leftists, have no idea that we're in the midst of an unprecedented state-by-state rollback of queer and trans rights. Therefore most have no idea that the NYT has been at the forefront of that rollback, "just asking questions."
friend, I think you are vastly overestimating how much folks know about coverage patterns of the NYT. most only see articles when they get passed around social media and of you’re not following a bunch of queer folks, it never gets talked about.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Gen z doesn't even want to be rebellious and cool. They just want to be able to afford rent, and exist without the constant threat of the country potentially turning into a non-fiction version of Gilead or a reboot of the Third Reich.
vivek ramaswamy is telling the republican convention that if gen z wants to be rebellious and cool they should be republicans and tell people on college campuses they want to get married and have kids
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
The tl;dr This is union-busting, written as a statute. A company union is not a union, it is a way for management to dilute/interfere with the power of the union. Company unions have been unlawful since 1935, because everyone recognizes it is an attempt to union bust. This is trying to undo that.
Not a populist: GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance introduced the Team Act (with Marco Rubio) to empower companies to establish and dissolve “employee involvement organizations” (a.k.a., company unions), a long-standing goal of GOP business leaders:
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
they're fucking banning the hormone therapy i rely on in red states. they're fucking outing trans kids to their parents. they're fucking banning SOCIAL TRANSITION in schools. they're denying trans people the ability to change their documents. they're denying us coverage.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
I really wish the world didn't require mutual aid like it exists now but that's simply not the case. I'm a great example; I was denied disability benefits because of outdated job descriptions and I used to be able to cook once a week. Everything I have is thanks to someone helping me out.
If any of my senses even get a hint of anyone shit-talking mutual aid, that's a deal breaker. So many people need that to survive. Sometimes in perpetuity, sometimes a one time deal, but people NEED it, ESPECIALLY these days. Do not, under any circumstances, give people shit for that; ever!
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
"The violence unleashed on innocent protestors, who had nothing but flags, placards, & their voices, has now put the political class in a fight for its survival against a leaderless, youth-led, & decentralized movement that it cannot cajole into dialogue."
Kenya’s third liberation It's no longer just about the finance bill. Kenyans want fundamental change.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
I feel this every time I read one of those community building posts. Where do you see disabled ppl? Do you see us?
I think it's interesting how many people's baseline definitions of community and how communities work don't include Disabled people. And how this is partly because Disabled people, for a lot of the time those definitions were being created, were literally removed from our communities.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Sometimes I wonder if I write on racial stuff too much and then I have an experience IRL like I just had where someone tells me "What the US's problem is right now is that it lost touch with MLK's dream, man." Begging, pleading for folks outside of Blackness to stop parroting quotes at Black folk.🙄
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
I'm saving America now. Even though I'm a broke Black anarchist in the ghetto. My platform? Defunding the Pentagon, & we're giving it all to the post office & libraries. So vote for me, because I won't do genocide or have a white supremacist coup, though I have challenges with executive function.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Mail carriers deserve more. They do that shit rain or shine, in this hellish weather with no AC, in the winter with no heat, come what may, etc
Ok yes, Trump is that evil but let's not hate on the postal service. Like libraries, it's one of our country's few actual serious good things that's publicly funded. It provides massive infrastructure the US with collapse without, & employs working class people in solid jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
kakebezi is a Black . trans woman fleeing transphobic violence she is currently living in a refugee camp and sleeping outside with her kitten she needs money for shelter in the camp and for food kick in some coins if you can and pls make sure to boost 💸💕
What you can say if you see this in my Country Uganda LGBTIQ+ they suffering to much and if they get you 😱 and many LGBTIQ killed 💔😭 #freeblock13 #insolidaritywithblock13 #gofundme #helplgbtq #helpgofundme #donatecasa #donate #lgbtsponsos #humanrights #freedom #lgbtactivities
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
35 orders of chokers could pay my rent 🥺🥺🥺 Please help 💕💸
What’s currently in stock! I’ve been crafting nonstop for two days! Please lmk if you would like to purchase some chokers 💕💸 to help me make rent Rent: $98/$375 Domain: $0/$20 💕💸
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
There is nothing moral or ethical about a handful of billionaires hoarding millions of empty homes which outnumber how many unhoused people there are in America by MILLIONS. Find the homes. Help people get housed. Protect all of your community. The only way to save ourselves is to save each other 💜
If I was able to sorta understand this shit, I bet you can too (rewatching The Big Short definitely helped)
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
People tend not to realize to what extent the credit card associations control your life. Virtually every non-cash transaction in the world passes through them at some point. Their regulations are global, change monthly, and must be strictly adhered to if you want to participate in capitalism.
Our wife is going through a lot right now (not gonna go in to specifics without their say so, but it's really bad). Help them out if you can. They are awesome and deserve everything anyone can give.
Pay Raven Shepherd Art using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
JD Vance looks like the kind of guy who in you'd meet in high school as a friend's boyfriend, and in an attempt to bond with you takes you aside to give you his "opinions" on marginalized people thinking you'll agree by default and later blames you for "cucking" him after your friend breaks it off.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
hi 🥰 i need monies for self care necessities - just about ran out of my toothpaste, body wash, and hair shit 💜 Venmo: @zzz22 here’s a picture of me getting all dolled up as a thank you 🥰 bc i had a meeting today for my business but they canceled last minute and i didn’t want to waste my makeup 🥲
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Ok yes, Trump is that evil but let's not hate on the postal service. Like libraries, it's one of our country's few actual serious good things that's publicly funded. It provides massive infrastructure the US with collapse without, & employs working class people in solid jobs.
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
For the record SWers on this app aren't getting the same engagement that they received a year ago, and the same goes for people posting MA. So while drama festers try to find time to boost SWers and MA posts.
Reposted byAvatar Metroplex
Olympics fever is ramping up, and I would like to point out that 1) this study got almost no traction in the news and 2) even if trans women won everything, they are women and should compete with women.
Opinion | The Olympic committee studied trans athletes. Conservatives won't like what it Few anti-LGBTQ policies have taken off as quickly as those banning trans women and girls from women’s and girls’ sports.