
i want to throw a brick through this column
This would be the same Adam Zivo who recently travelled to Israel, to talk to Jews about how terrible Hamas was to LGBT people. Of course, no mention in that same article about how Netanyahu's coalition is stuffed with anti-LGBT extremists.
Netanyahu literally made a deal with the Noam Party so he could push through his court reforms. The pinkwashing of Israel is genuinely disgusting.
People keep telling me to give Adam a chance but each new column makes me personally hate him a little bit more. This is pure garbage and I say that as the not-all-that-militant middle-aged white gay guy. He is working my last nerve!
National Post is basically just The Sun at this point
fun fact: I was a pretty frequent contributor to the Post for many years. I was supposed to join them for a recurring election column in 2019 — Kevin Libin, managing editor, spiked the idea and instead asked me to write about how gays are too mean to the Conservatives. I told him to fuck off.
that’s essentially the Sue Ann Levy column the Sun just published lol
Did he actually reduce AIDS Activism to just the quilt and that it wasn’t confrontational?
I could not stop oggling at that graph
Wait the National Post has a new bro writing columns with view too heinous for even the raccoon-stomper Hopper? I can’t even pretend to be shocked, rage-bait columns have been their business model since founding.