Preet Bhogal

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Preet Bhogal

Pop and politics and old sitcoms. Halifax. 🏳️‍🌈
Trudeau needs to go full Chrétien: choke some mf’ers and fire anyone who talks shit about him.
I am a public transit booster and angry at Halifax for how they suck at it… and I’m on the ferry for the first time in well over a year and just used that stupid app (that feels like it’s from 2010) for the first time ever.
That multiculturalism policy really worked, eh.
Shit. That was a smart VP choice.
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I think perhaps a good lesson to learn from how wild this website has been for the last few days is that not all interpersonal conflict needs to be elevated to a site wide issue.
Sometimes, I really wish All in the Family and Maude were still on. (Yes, I’m basically a 60 year old millennial who loves CTV Throwback)
The shooting got him back in the news and that picture is going to win him the election. Worked out well.
I thought everyone had a gun at a Trump rally, anyway.
How can I completely leave Twitter when Katy Perry stans post completely unhinged things like this about her new single:
Another thing I don’t get is the ‘Joe Biden is old so make Kamala Harris the nominee’. If they’re so convinced and certain that he can’t finish 4 years then, as VP, isn’t she already effectively the nominee?
Anonymous sources are out of control. I cannot recall a time in my life where every other news story was based on unnamed sources.
Yeah this is not like 1968 and the Lyndon Johnson situation, primarily because there were two strong contenders vying for the nomination. (That and, ya know, RFK being murdered in June and changing the entire course of the election and history but that’s another topic)
In case anyone is wondering the new Katy Perry is just as terrible as expected. Maybe worse.
The way Robert Fife uses anonymous sources, he might as well be writing for TMZ.
Click the link in your email to log in is not a convenient way to log in.
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Funny what happens when a reporter actually decides to talk to rank and file Democratic voters instead of panicked backbenchers or smug elite donors.
I just don’t understand where the George Clooney NYT types are getting the idea that Kamala Harris will ‘invigorate’ younger voters. She’s had 4 years and somehow her whole image and personality will change in 4 months AND the media will magically come to her side?
I was most definitely allergic to peanuts over 30 years ago and still am.
I know what’s missing in my life: friends that I fight with like they do in The Bear.
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Margaret Sullivan, the much-missed former public editor of, on the bizarre collapse of our major media in the face of a fascist, rapist traitor who has been granted full immunity by a thoroughly corrupted SCOTUS stacked with GOP hacks.
The media has been breathlessly attacking Biden. What about Trump? | Margaret The bigger story is Donald Trump’s appalling unfitness for office. He tried to overturn a legitimate election and is a felon
“For news to be useful, people need to understand how it’s made. The presidential election is arguably the most consequential news story, because it informs how people vote. Consumers deserve to see the fullest version possible of the evidence behind the analysis.”
After the debate, plenty of insider texts but little transparency among political reporters - Journalists could be more transparent. News consumers deserve to see the fullest version possible of the evidence
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Hey, everyone who keeps downplaying the role of media framing, you know we can *literally* measure this happening, right? Your denialism doesn't make it go away, and you aren't smart enough to somehow evade it.
"Results indicated both news formats (narrative vs. informational) and frames (environmental vs. economic) had significant immediate effects on issue attitudes and other responses; narrative environmental news had a significantly greater impact than informational environmental news." #CommSky
Stories that Count: Influence of News Narratives on Issue Attitudes - Fuyuan Shen, Lee Ahern, Michelle Baker, This paper examines the impact of using narratives to frame a political issue on individuals’ attitudes. In an experiment, we asked participants to read either ...
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Why does Google News keep giving years old links from Yahoo News?!?
I hate you, Wordle. ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Damn I almost (but not quite) feel bad for Drake at this point.