Jason Nickerson

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Jason Nickerson


Humanitarian Representative to Canada for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 🌎
Respiratory Therapist 🫁
Trail runner and adventurer🏃‍♂️
PhD and health researcher ☣️
The world desperately needs to do better, more coordinated, and more equitable work in preparing for and responding to disease outbreaks and pandemics. That countries are unable to agree on many common-sense and reasonable proposals is, frankly, shameful. MedSky 🧪 www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/h...
Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemicwww.nytimes.com Negotiators plan to ask for more time. Among the sticking points are equitable access to vaccines and financing to set up surveillance systems.
Depressing state of the art, film, and streaming industry: “Studios can work very hard to hold your attention before deciding, at the last possible moment, that they’re better off throwing out artists’ work than letting you pay money to see it.” www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/m...
Want to See This Film? Movie Studios Won’t Let You.www.nytimes.com As in the case of ‘Coyote vs. Acme,’ sometimes an entertainment company sees more value in not selling you its products.
I spoke with CBC last night about the plan to build a pier - which won’t be operational for weeks - to deliver aid to Gaza, and why this is not a viable solution for addressing emergency needs that exist today. This is no a logistics problem, it is a political problem. www.cbc.ca/listen/live-...
There is likely community transmission of measles in some parts of Canada, but there's a risk of importation of measles cases following international travel - this links to what we @msf.bsky.social have been warning of for years: there are huge gaps in vaccination coverage globally.
Building a temporary pier to bring aid into Gaza - which will take weeks to build - is not a practical option for an emergency of this scale or urgency. People need food, medicine, fuel, and water today, not weeks from now. There are trucks sitting at existing border crossings into Gaza.
Around 100,000 people die from venomous snakebites each year, and we are lacking effective, affordable antivenoms. R&D for new antivenoms is underfunded, typical of many diseases that simply aren't profitable enough to attract investment. But there's hope: MedSky 🧪 www.statnews.com/2024/02/21/a...
Scientists take a (small) step toward universal antivenomwww.statnews.com Scientists have laid out a blueprint for creating a “universal antivenom.”
There are massive gaps in access to pain medicines in many low- and middle-income countries, which often leads to the use of second or third line analgesics. Central African Republic just announced the withdrawal of metamizole from the market, for example. MedSky lengosongo.cf/2024/01/22/l...
Le ministre de la Santé et de la Population annonce le retrait de certains médicaments de circulat...lengosongo.cf
Important work well worth reading. Kudos to Retraction Watch and Science. www.science.org/content/arti...
People with moderate to severe asthma have a growing list of treatment options - however, it's still not entirely clear how to bring them all together, how to use them, and when to stop using them (and they're expensive!). In today's Lancet: www.thelancet.com/journals/lan... MedSky 🧪
This is a thoughtful and helpful read on the challenges/differences of free speech and academic freedom. Academic freedom is extremely important - people and society deserve the benefit and generosity of our academic curiosity. In today's The Line: www.readtheline.ca/p/andrew-pot...
Andrew Potter: Free speech and academic freedom aren’t the same thingwww.readtheline.ca Politicians who don’t understand that are only making things worse.
Two big asthma and COPD medication stories coming out of the US this week, both highlighting the absurd way that inhalers - many of which are decades-old drugs delivered by decades-old device technologies - are priced out of reach of patients that need them.
Our book includes contributions from @roojin.bsky.social, Colleen Flood, @jwnickerson.bsky.social, @dfisman.bsky.social, @siouxsiew.bsky.social, and many others & is due out in 2 months: "Pandemics, Public Health, and the Regulation of BordersLessons from COVID-19" www.routledge.com/Pandemics-Pu...
Sudanese authorities have informed MSF of a ban on importing surgical supplies to hospitals in areas of Khartoum controlled by RSF forces. This is unconscionable & will directly impact our ability to provide trauma surgical care & also caesarean sections. www.msf.org/surgical-sup...
Surgical supply ban in Khartoum must be immediately reversed | MSFwww.msf.org An unconscionable ban that is preventing life-saving surgical supplies from being transported to hospitals in areas of Khartoum, Sudan, is putting the lives of hundreds of people at risk.
An MSF convoy trying to evacuate our staff and their families was attacked in North Gaza today. One person was killed, another injured. This is absolutely unacceptable and horrific. We condemn this in the strongest terms. Ceasefire now. www.msf.org/gaza-msf-con...
Gaza: MSF condemns deliberate attack on a convoy transporting staff, resulting in one death and one ...www.msf.org [node:field_description]
Gaza update. Patients and medical staff are trapped in hospitals: Al-Shifa hospital has been hit several times, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals & for an immediate ceasefire. t.co/yfcAa0IsyJ
Gaza: Patients and medical staff trapped in hospitals under fire | MSFt.co [node:field_description]
The "unexpected" in the headline is slightly irksome. This was the main fear I expressed back in December 2017 when first asked about deepfakes and repeatedly since then. I have expressed this to every journalist who has called me about AI fakes since.
Researchers have found few AI fakes related to the Israel-Hamas conflict. But the mere possibility that AI content could be circulating is leading people to dismiss genuine images, video and audio as inauthentic.
A.I. Muddies Israel-Hamas War in Unexpected Waywww.nytimes.com Fakes related to the conflict have been limited and largely unconvincing, but their presence has people doubting real evidence.
Twitter/X is now removing headlines from links and Threads/Meta is prohibiting searches of public health terms like Covid and vaccines. Billionaires are dangerously restricting people’s access to news.
We're heading for a rapidly changing global public health world, impacted by climate change. How that's going to impact mosquito-borne diseases is complex and nuanced, but the overall picture looks bad. Great read on the complexity of the issue here: MedSky EpiSky www.science.org/content/arti...
Science | AAASwww.science.org
American drug pricing is bonkers on many levels, but it's absolutely insane that countries that fund R&D of medicines and vaccines aren't even attempting to negotiate fair pricing and global access provisions as a condition of that funding. MedSky 🧪 www.statnews.com/2023/09/28/c...
Did the government get a bad deal on the Covid-19 boosters?www.statnews.com After Pfizer and Moderna hiked the prices of their Covid vaccines, the government will pay nearly three times more per dose.
This is good news for expanding global access to #insulin in low- and middle-income countries, and reportedly will see Novo Nordisk's insulin production double within a year. It's also a first step: people need newer insulins, GLP-1 drugs, tests, etc. MedSky healthpolicy-watch.news/new-insulin-...
New Insulin Production Deal Is A Boost For Africa’s Diabetes Challenge - Health Policy Watchhealthpolicy-watch.news A new deal between Danish company Novo Nordisk and South African generic manufacturer Aspen will massively expand the supply of insulin in sub-Saharan Africa