
Hey, “Big Government Liberals!” You can’t do that! It’s not What The Founders Intended!™️ Stick to “original intent!” Stick to “original intent!” Stick to “original intent!” Oh yeah? Well guess what, Trumpers! The thing YOU’RE doing is unconstitutional, too! We’re post-constitutional now.
They are saying that the woke left have created a post constitutional world and they need to purge their influence to restore the purity of the original vision of the founding fathers.
They are using that as their excuse, yes.
They don't have a problem with the original document they want to eliminate the amendments won by civil rights movements.
I don’t think so. For instance, you won’t find the impoundment authority he’s touting anywhere in the document. Certainly not in the post-Civil War amendments. And it’s been explicitly rejected as counter-textual by the Supreme Court. Yet that’s squarely in their sights.
That doesn't contradict what I said? The civil war amendments are not part of the original document.
No, it’s just that you made it sound like they only wanted to get rid of the post-Civil War amendments, and that doesn’t track. They’re proposing a frontal assault on the unamended, original document, not any kind of restoration.
I didn't make you misunderstand my point. They are saying they are restoring the original. Your opinion may be that they are actually doing something else. But they are saying that.
I agree that they are saying that. But they are also saying they want to claim powers that are not in the document. How is that “restorative?”
Emoluments is in the "original. " They just added "does not apply to Trump" to it.
Selective application is also a feature of the original.