
Seriously. I'm getting really tired of the "just making shit up at this point" school of political thinking. "What if we do a whole new round of primaries?" If you got that kind of organizational capacity, how bout doing something useful like getting a general strike started?
Sticking with Biden or running Harris would be *far* less risky than dedicating two of the next four months to Democrat infighting, followed by an unprecedented delegate voting process and dubious chances of even getting on the ballot. Knowing this shit is supposed to be these people's job
Right. Fain is no fool. He didn’t just set 2028 randomly. He set it to be the last year of a second Biden term, and also with enough time to build organizational muscle, if we work at a furious pace.
What specifically are you talking about?
Fain’s (UAW President) call for a MayDay 2028 General Strike and his realistic sense about the required timeline to organize on that level vs. what we are seeing now with Dems trying to slap shit together re: Biden replacement. Totally wild to think they can do all this on a dime with no lead time.
Yep I think that's accurate. A lot of folks who don't organize don't get the timeline at all. Bottom line in both cases is if we don't want to do the thing that's in front of us, we need a workable alternative ready to go.
I think ppl also don’t get that part of a General Strike is most likely forcing air transport and rail to do a Wildcat Strike because of the legal carve outs where congress has to authorize it or else it’s considered wildcat. And congress will never do that.
I think a lot of libs have some fantasy that we will just do what France does re: striking if things get too dire, not understanding how much more organized countries that are able to mobilize in this manner are than us and the differences in policing.
I don't wanna undersell what France has managed to do. Their police will fuck you up too. But also I'm remembering when pictures of some of their protests were coming out, and people were like where was this energy in the US? because everybody freaking memory holed 2020.