
"TikTok is a programmable fentanyl" I guess if you're going to engage in fear mongering, you should really dedicate yourself to the craft
The US is right to target Chinese control of a powerful ‘persuasive AI’ tool cannot be tolerated
I just want ONE of these guys to show me the slightest indication that they understand the scale at which data brokers collect and monetize every last human behavior in order to sell vast detailed consumer shopping, browsing, and location profiles to any nitwit with a nickel
I think you'd have to buy the records for that person and show them a video overlaid on Google maps of everyplace they've been in the last 2 years
And yet many people might respond to that by saying they have nothing to hide so who cares if they are being tracked? The concept of privacy even for the most benign of actions does not strike them as something that should be a right.
There's a song called "The Data Stream", about the game "Cyberpunk 2077". The bridge is a list of data the Evil Megacorp has on everyone in the city. The artist took it from a list of data collated by Facebook/Meta.
I don’t think it is that binary. There must be some, perhaps many, who are comfortable with X% of their data but not Y% of their data being in the hands of corporations. And the value of X can reasonably vary depending on the corporation.
If companies could be trusted to not track you when you request that they don't then I'd be fine with people setting their own preferences on what they want to share. However, many companies capture, retain, and sell data even when they claim not to do so. Or they work with a 3rd party that does.
So, in limited circumstances you would be fine with other people setting their own preferences …
I mean I think there is something to be said for combatting the addictive nature of social media, but that’s def not limited to TikTok
Many forms of social media, and Tiktok specifically, are intentionally designed to pull peoples' attention, stoke their anger, and generally make them into worse, more profitable versions of themselves over time. But this "fentanyl AI" schtick? Ain't the way to bring up that conversation, wtf
Probably a good analogy actually given how effective the US has been at tackling fentanyl.
Getting cops to overdose by showing them a random tiktok
"Chinese control of a powerful 'persuasive AI' tool cannot be tolerated." We must not allow a TikTok gap!
TikTok should be banned for proliferating the disgusting and culturally harmful practise of portrait aspect video. If someone wants to ban it for the wrong reasons, I’m OK with that, although it would be a shame if YouTube Shorts escaped the same fate. :(
Filming in portrait aspect should be grounds for capital punishment, IMO.
Would now be a bad time to mention to that article’s writer that it wasn’t TikTok that just got caught altering links in users’ posts?
Both owned by intolerant authoritarians. But China’s smarter than Elmo.
TokTok isn't owned by China. It was founded in Singapore, it's organized in the Caymans, and its main offices are in California. China owns a chunk of a different Bytedance subsidiary, bc they *did* outlaw TikTok.
And Xitter is operating almost completely unfettered AND with what appears to be full approval by the same people who think TikTok is a Chinese spy farm.
Well, Elon Musk isn’t a foreign government. Not that he can’t do a lot of damage. TBH, I do think that being able to sue social media for damage would make them become much safer. They need incentive to be less horribly destructive.
And this is why Section 230 has become such a political hot potato.
Yes, true. But, you can’t criticize China on TikTok, and you can’t criticize Musk on X. That’s what I was getting at.
I've never seen a TikTok vid deleted for critiquing China. Right now, though, the algorithm rewards critiquing Israel, as that's what gets engagement. (People leaving comments is engagement, no matter what the comments say.)
Neither affects me because I’m not a user of either platform. I’ve probably walked away from more platforms in the past year than most Xitter users know exist. But that’s a separate discussion.
financial times: lets lose our perception toward the next generation of productive workers and consumers even harder
Until a cop experiencing a panic attack self administers 15 Narcans after accidentally opening the app, I'm not buying the comparison.
Written by Vinod Khosla... The FT ought to be ashamed of themselves
if it were as dangerous as fentanyl, the cops would be using it as a pretense to harass brown people