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eh, i'll add a description later, just know i'm cursed, a furry, and ace
DAILY?!? excuse? netflix ain't taking the break up that well it seems....
gator tots music always calms me down and relaxes me. sometimes ya just need to vibe and remember the world aint gonna be over just because you take a day off of worrying
ahh good, i forwarded with that because poes law, so take that as my thoughts on follow policing rather then anything directed at you. just needed to put my thoughts somewhere i suppose.
i hope this is satire because look, im just a raccoon... i don't have the energy to police my discord friend's cousin's political views. my MOM is problematic, and i have to deal with THAT! i don't want to be drafted into every crusade all at once, and made to draft others into drafting more.
literally if me not policing follows puts me on the same level as people who commit VILE crimes, id just rather delete my account and touch grass. i'd even wanna start blocklisting anyone who unironically follow polices because I'm not anyone's soldier. MAYBE IM OBLIVIOUS! have mercy for i am dumb
i actually asked my mom about that cuz like, she knows a bit about addiction firsthand, and like i got two answers. the first was the obvious you should never touch it again, mostly applicable if you have an addictive personality or something. as for the second...
3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months when the addiction REALLY tries to pull you back in. so for the first 3 months and then some that voice can set ya back... still playing with fire afterwords but for now just set a goal you can keep moving till ya hit idk say 6 months at least.
that's not saying you should plan to indulge in 6 months, but by that point you'll prolly be outside the worst of it, and idk if your goals were to kick the habit for good or not. too many variables to say but that's a good time to reflect on your goals less burdened by temptations.
like, i hope me saying that doesn't become a poison for ya that sets ya up to trip up at that point. but also i wasn't exactly sure what your goals are, just got info that the first 3 months are the hardest/you are gonna be your worst enemy there.
if i follow you, im on YOUR turf, which means i don't get to complain about what you post and my options are mainly to ignore anything i don't like or leave. i mean isn't following like walking into someone's house? (basically peering in the window to vibecheck atm)
well, lemmie just say i *agree* that plenty of folk with too much money are borking things for the rest of us, but i sometimes feel like there's points where people point towards having money rather than the misuse of money. idk i could just be dumb, or just connecting unrelated things.
I've always had a problem with the "eat the rich" mentality, because rich people ain't inherently morally bankrupt. i mean look at mr beast, gets called out for... curing blind people? i don't think it's a mentality that's particularly... encouraging. also the lottery will mess ya up for a reason
im thinking about trying an instant release adhd med so i can immediately bail if i don't like the feel of meds on my adhd... also apparently it MIIIIIGHT boost my autistic traits so like, that is one thing im trying to be wary of.
Reposted byAvatar KasaiYuppa
my mom agrees that it's a bit of an overstep..... which is why she wants to support trump because the democrats wanna make pornography illegal (that convo felt like a stroke, but i guess trump campaigns for lgbtq+ rights now?!? there is a reason i hate talking politics... cant reason with crazy)
i cited wikipedia because what a political party represents is objective and neutral fact, but was hit with the claim that the democrats own wikipedia and are intentionally citing project 2025 as a conservative thing when it's actually liberal....
wait are you getting dms asking if you can commission folk art? that's actually a scam last i checked
look, sanity is just a burden im better off without. lifes more fun when you toss reason to the wind.
guess that tells me what i need to know about this
define everything. soda? ice cream? fries? pasta? rice? do you put mayo on your pizza, salad, or on your pb sandwiches? do you put mayo in your coffee, hot chocolate, or cake and cookies? how far are you willing to go mayonnaise boy?
ya know, joining a game jam is quite terrifying when you are underqualified to do the art, sound, writing, programming, and don't have the solid commitment to not get distracted but... I'm joining one anyway because I'm not gonna let a silly thing like the consequences of my actions stop me.
honestly congrats! changing a habit is always hard. have ya been redirecting that urge into something else to keep ya distracted?
ddosing a website to scrape art from people who REALLY are against that should be illegal right?
tbh the bible, sex ed materials, literally how babies are made, society needs to lock anyone up who even ADVOCATES for that/s but seriously, i prefer sfw spaces, and im pretty sure eliminating nsfw spaces is just gonna make avoiding it harder. although, prohibition worked well last 20s...