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On twitter I was @diebestimmerin

Talk to me about @iamgermany
I made myself a Wärmflasche last night, it is JUNE
Tim is taking over the Germany bluesky account this week! Do swing by, maybe we can pick up some momentum on here
Hi! I'm Tim @tyteen4a03.bsky.social (he/they) and I'm a (currently jobless - hire me!) Software Engineer by trade. I've had a great run over at x.com/germany_iam and I'm here for the next 7 days to see how much momentum we can get for a Bluesky account (as Twitter is a dumpster fire rn) 1/11
I have the theme song from Frozen 2 stuck in my head
How hard is it to get a covid shot in Germany these days?
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Is it ok to freeze cheese?
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nothing is wrong. there is no problem. but you can’t help but think that man outside the trolley window appears to have a lot on his mind.
so @honourablehusband.bsky.social did an amazing job of curating @iamgermany.bsky.social this week! if you want to have a go yourself, just write to me
This is Maximus and Maximus XL, the Roman Centurions guarding the Damascus Gate. After 11 months in the closet, they’ve come out. They spent yesterday choosing curtain material, and have applied to adopt a rescue puppy.
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Yes, I’m a husband with a husband. And my hub collects decorative arts. (Stereotype, much?). I mean, just look at how gay our Christmas tree is! A closeted merman who thinks he can fake it by playing golf. Zebra in drag. And an ostrich wearing a boa, which, I guess, is made of ostrich feathers.
I have decided to buy a dishwasher. Looking for recommendations. My kitchen is tiny! So something compact
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Gemini: In the entire history of the universe, there has only ever been one you. So you can see why the rest of us are so disappointed.
@iamgermany.bsky.social hi! I haven't found someone to take over.... Can you pls put the word out again? And you can finish at 6pm
Still looking for a curator for next week! It's you lovely people who make this what it is... Yes, I'm talking to you
Who would like to be @iamgermany.bsky.social next week??
Wort des Tages - Nikolauserei
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Tino Rangatiratanga. My #cartoon for Stuff today.
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German's fondness for bundling English and German, often even in the same word, never ceases to amaze me. *stares at his BahnCard*
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The fact that business owners can call Google Maps on the phone to update their operating hours feel very German to me.
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Doing a few stretches, snarfing a döner, and plugging in the fax machine. Why? Because in half an hour or so @iamgermany.bsky.social (Somebody's got to be Germany and this time... it's me) Can he manage to be not weird for a whole week? Tune in to find out, or because fremdschämen is your thing.
And how was your Saturday night?
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Next week's curation slot is up for grabs! Let me know if you would like to take it
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Guten Morgen!! I hope you're sitting down... Advent calendar tidbit #2: 58% of Germans surveyed have opened ALL 24 doors at the same time!! 😱 I just…can’t. Good lord, man – there are RULES!!
Next week's curation slot is up for grabs! Let me know if you would like to take it
And we are live! 🤗
Guten Abend meine dudes. I am Jędrek, a middle aged Polish dad and husband who's been living in Berlin for a couple of years. I'll be your host for the week. I know it's technically not abend but it's dark out and that's enough for me.
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Und St. Martin entschloss sich, dem armen Mann kein Stück von seinem Mantel zu geben. Ansonsten hätte dieser ja keine Erwerbsanreize mehr. Rabimmel, rabammel, rabumm.
Wait a second... I honestly thought fantasy football was just made up, I didn't realise there were actual games
Broccoli with leftover peanut sauce, blue cheese and walnut bread