
It won't go anywhere but at least someone is trying to do something. I hope she follows through and actually files the articles of impeachment.
Yeah. There’s a rankling performative element to it that others have alluded to, but I also increasingly have come to realize that like …. A lot of people may not even know you CAN impeach a justice. There’s value in helping to start a conversation, even if an outcome is short term doomed
I definitely didn't know it was an option! The closest I've heard is John Oliver trying to get Thomas to quit by offering him a fancy camper - $1 million (which Thomas regrettably didn't take).
I have really mixed feelings about RVs. Like I want to own one but as a rule don’t like people who do lol Given decent WiFi my preference would be to live in a cave under a rock sealed inside a bunker on the moon
I have an RV and I love it so much. Freedom from so many different types of anxiety, because hey, I can literally just drive my happy ass towards the setting sun. 🤩