Kate Holzemer

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Kate Holzemer


Old lady
Jesus! It's weathering so hard!
Is there a way to mute certain users' retweets here? I really canNOT with the accounts who are like, I'm scared so here are 9000 pictures of dogs.
I'm sure this will help things.
Why are you guys watching this bullhonky? Just find a way to disassociate until mid-Nov at least. That's my plan. 24 hours of screen time per day.
The Biden situation feels like when Trump had COVID while president. The scent of looming chaos is in the air again.
I don't know Penzey Spice's real origin story, but in my mind it's just one boomer lib grandpa who is buckling down and "being the change" the only way he's ever known: panicked political emails and spicing people's food. I love him.
Good job France? Good job France!
I'm going to make Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad and no one in my entire family except me is going to like it and I don't give a flying fuck. Fuck those guys. Fuck the 4th of July. Fuck all y'all.
I'm being serious though. Where should we get our news?
Ok, I need book recommendations to aide in disassociation for the next, oh, let's start with five months but possibly permanently. Nothing political. Can evoke emotion as long as that emotion isn't existential dread. Can be murdery or smutty, but preferably not both. Not those SJM books.
I'm starting to think that absolutely none of you know what's going on.
Now hold on. The current president is Joe Biden! He's got like 4 months of his own personal Purge. AND it's currently 11:45am, so he's probably awake and semi-coherent. Let's see what he does before we get all worked up.
We're going to have to overthrow the government. 🤷🏻‍♀️
H O T T O G O (democracy edition)
Honestly, I've kind of come around on Kamala. She's the sitting Vice President! Sure, we hate Kamala but I promise we'll hate Whitner in no time flat. Newsom is revolting. It's gotta be the Veep. Let's embrace it. We live in Veep now.
Reposted byAvatar Kate Holzemer
They should turn the internet off for like a month as a tolerance break
Reposted byAvatar Kate Holzemer
When the empty ugliness at the centers of power becomes clear to you, if that is a sharp, new, devastating feeling, a good thing to do is to follow the instructions of those far from centers of power who have been seeing, surviving, strategizing & surviving for a long, long time.
Isn't Kamala Harris becoming President and then losing reelection months later the exact plot of Veep? Are we sure we want proof that we're living in Veep?
Reposted byAvatar Kate Holzemer
I just learned that there were talks with NASA to put Big Bird on the Challenger. BIG BIRD on the CHALLENGER. Holy shit you guys.
All we need is a person with a perceivable pulse! Ok, the next person is Kamala Harris. She's got a pulse. No, not that pulse!
I, because I am sane, did not watch that debate. I, because I am insane, will now lose hours of sleep because I chose to look at the nightmare screen in my pocket before bed.
Once again, the NY Democratic Party is the worst and it's hurting everyone.
I just discovered that baseball players now wear cute little mittens to run the bases to protect their lil' fingies.
I just impulse purchased two Chiavetta dinners from a church fundraiser and when I got home I realized the sides were CANNED GREEN BEANS AND CANNED SQUASH, not potato salad and coleslaw AS GOD INTENDED. Christ almighty.
I realize absolutely no one is paying attention to me for hockey takes anymore (or any takes, really), but I need you to understand that 2010 Kate would've had a FIELD DAY with the current absurd proliferation of hockey romance books. The Target book section is wall-to-wall hockey smut. WTactualF.