Katherine Montalto

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Katherine Montalto


artist. writer. weirdo.

I think both are true. And the people in Group A can’t protect you from the people in Group B But in my own experience, the people in Group B (the “eww cringe” group) are an impossible target. They’re cruel but they’ll never turn around. They can’t be pleased. Don’t chase their approval, imo
I see "be weird! Be yourself!! There'll always be people who understand you!" In equal measure to "ew what the fuck lol, cringe, that's so embarrassing. Screenshotted for a later call out" these days and anyone who manages to go beyond anything normie is extremely brave
"Boost (forage)", oil on foamboard, 9x14", 2023-$400(Cdn).
The Best Of Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller March 15,1964
regarding the standing ovation: worth remembering that nazis took inspiration from the US, and the US didn't care about the developing Holocaust, while companies here worked with Nazis. The US only joined the war because of pacific theater, imperial tensions, Pearl Harbor
Hope you like bog witches and fae up to some shit. I got some really cool news to share tomorrow 😎
My #art on stuff in my #teepublic store www.teepublic.com/us...#art on stuff in my #teepublic store www.teepublic.com/us...
KOSA will go to the House if (when) it passes the Senate so I just e-mailed my rep and brought up, among other things, the Crowdstrike thing. Age verification would require a new type of software that would have to be massively deployed across the Internet -- sounds bad, actually!!!
Hundreds of parents of trans kids have begged Congress to consider alternatives to the dangerous and misguided Kids Online Safety Act They rightly point out that we can take on Big Tech and address harms without throwing vulnerable kids under thew bus #KOSA vote is soon
Open letter from parents of trans and gender expansive kids: KOSA would make our kids less safe.www.transparentsletter.com Please listen to us. Our kids' lives are at stake.
Hey all, not sure why, but there are social media posts going around saying the KOSA bill number is S. 2073. That's an Ossoff bill: www.govtrack.us/congress/bil... KOSA is S. 1409: www.govtrack.us/congress/bil...
Kids Online Safety Act (S. 1409)www.govtrack.us A bill to protect the safety of children on the internet.
"i just think the protestors shouldn't-" okay! go organize your own action. the Signal app is free to download 👍
as someone who reads a metric ton of short speculative fiction: writers should write the weird thing and publishers should publish the weird thing
A furry made the COVID vaccine. Now another one is curing cancer. I think a lot of you fuckers need to start googling fursuits for the good of humanity.
BREAKING: The entire World of Warcraft dev team has unionized at Blizzard Entertainment. The new unit includes over 500 developers and is described by the CWA as another "wall-to-wall union." The news comes days after almost 250 workers at Bethesda Game Studios organised.
A sampling of cards I’ve done so far…
I am still contributing to the ESims for Gaza campaign through @cartoonistcoop.bsky.social If you wanted a fast turnaround on tiny, original art by a me, now is a good time to donate. Read more here: cartoonist.coop/journal/cart...
A good self reminder, maybe useful for every artist (and not only).
my #art on stuff in my #redbubble store 2024 06 sketchbook 01 www.redbubble.com/sh...#art on stuff in my #redbubble store 2024 06 sketchbook 01 www.redbubble.com/sh...
If you can afford it, I highly recommend budgeting money ($20-50) for morale stuff like emergency takeout, cleaning services, dog daycare, pastries, a videogame, a premium ingredient at the grocery store, etc — the things that make life easier and lower the urge to yeet yourself into a river
You wanna save K-12 teaching? Ban PTAs. Strip charter schools of state funding. Support teachers’ unions. Adjust salaries.
Heading for an education crisis theconversation.com/covid-19-dev... Do we care enough about education to save it?
just finished Scavenger's Reign and god damn what a great show. chock full of little critters. some of them are horrifying, which is all i ask for in scifi