Katie Kurtz

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Katie Kurtz


Proud Friend | Writer | GenXer | Wilderness Flâneuse
WIP: Most Likely to be Forgotten: A Murders Investigation
Reposted byAvatar Katie Kurtz
living in this country is like being awake on the table
writers! keep your C.V. up to date! particularly all the publication credits section! and don't leave out the weirdo zines and DIY pubs your friends asked you to contribute to. list e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. you don't need to be an academic to have a C.V.!
Creators! your regular reminder that the Internet isn't forever and to screen grab pages when they're still live!
It would be cool if we were hearing as much - or more - about the Dem plan instead of a 24/7 stream about P2025
I don't know if I could love Scrivener any more than I already do - I thought I'd deleted four chapters of the book I'm working on. After some digging, I found the folders patiently waiting for me in the trash.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Kurtz
this is gonna ruin the tour
Our first family home computer set up. (Not my photo but ours was exactly this - dot-matrix printer and all.) Have I hallucinated the game Bedlam that came with it?
My contribution to the NYT discourse
Currently binging Carrie Carolyn Coco: My Friend, Her Murder, and an Obsession with the Unthinkable by Sarah Gerard.
I hadn't left the house - or my bed even - since I came home early from work Tuesday. I finally pulled it together to run some errands and was told by a rando dude to "get over yourself." Back to bed for me!
Reposted byAvatar Katie Kurtz
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
I thought I caught COVID but after two negative tests I think it's just an old-fashioned case of malaise
it's two items of clothing and nothing more weather here in Seattle
Here's my monster playlist of Pretty Pretty music. Appropriate for the foreground when you're having the sads or as an unobtrusive background for daydreaming about your youth gone by. . . open.spotify.com/playlist/6ME...
Pretty Prettyopen.spotify.com Pretty Pretty · Playlist · 684 songs · 13 likes
I'm waiting to give a friend a ride home after his vasectomy from Dr. Snips yes that's his real name AMA
Reposted byAvatar Katie Kurtz
I wish I could sleep with the door open and not freak out the neighborhood
I got kicked out of a bbq tonight by a WW 15 minutes after I arrived with a biracial friend Seattle is going to Seattle, even on the 4th
what #genz accounts should I follow here? xx a #genx auntie
appreciation post for all the dyslexics out there - you all make the English language far more interesting
I found out tonight that my dad -- a Marine Corps pilot in the American (Vietnam) war who flew into hot zones to airlift injured infantrymen to safety -- and I are on the same CPTSD meds 🫡🇺🇸
sharing my "Goodbye 70s" playlist - went for deeper 80s cuts on this one, although a lot will be familiar open.spotify.com/playlist/7wo...
Goodbye 70sopen.spotify.com Goodbye 70s · Playlist · 47 songs · 3 likes
I received this installment - the 5th and what I thought was final part of a Sheriff's report for one of the previously unsolved / recently solved cases that's going in my book - turns out MORE is coming 😳
I'm still waiting for this installment...
the denial of his condition by everyone surrounding him from inner to outer circles makes me wonder if anyone genuinely cares about him or if his willfulness is a symptom
I'm still waiting for this installment...
just got an email from the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office Public Disclosure Unit at 8 p.m. on a Tuesday updating the status of a request and 🫡
Shout out to all the elementary school teachers and onward who went out of their way to praise my writing - I think of you all often with immense gratitude. Special recognition goes to my 8th-grade LA teacher who loved my story about a sex worker on Christmas Eve.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Kurtz
Already been sent the AI-written R&B song about the balls and the butthole twice today, if the betting line is ten I'll take the over.
@ilenegold.bsky.social Ilene! I forget to come over here. I'm still on the other app but need to spend more time here!