Wendy C. Ortiz

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Wendy C. Ortiz


Los Angeles ✨ Books: Excavation: A Memoir, Hollywood Notebook, and the dreamoir Bruja. Reprints of all 3 books available April 2025 from Northwestern University Press 🗝️ Current project: Mommy’s El Camino 🛞 https://linktr.ee/wendy.c.ortiz.
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I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
I vote for noise-cancelling headphones for every patient in ERs and hospital rooms, and therapy dogs roaming
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“getting up to speed on JD Vance” is a euphemism for being in a port-a-potty that tips over
I couldn’t help but do a search here of J.D. Vance looking for some vicious and vicarious trolling of that guy I could laugh at, and bluesky delivered
This morning I met up with a friend I’ve known for over 20 years who I hadn’t seen since December 2019. We walked 4 miles by the ocean. Really good medicine, all of it.
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wendy c. ortiz, essay (and challenger for longest opening sentence) WITH & WITHOUT REGARD FOR RHYTHM
With and Without Regard for Rhythm | JOYLANDjoylandmagazine.com
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What I am *most* bitter about the NYT 100 best books: 1. No option to click, "Thanks, I hated it," after a title. 2. No votes as far as I can see for Paul Takes The Form of A Mortal Girl.
Today I had the experience of starting out with a problem, feeling like I had to wrestle it to the ground, deciding I could actually just give it a rest and wait until tomorrow, and in the evening the problem resolved itself. And I would’ve made things stickier if I’d attempted to fix it. Outcome A+
When I had covid, every day felt 72 hours long. Now that I’m better time has sped back up and the 16 days I was sick/testing positive feel like a blip.
I was thrilled to be asked to teach nonfiction this upcoming year and gave a great big yes. I’m being asked to teach for another institution now for the coming year that I have to say no to, but I love being asked, it creates a very nice mood 🥰🌷
Of all the campaign texts I receive the one I can’t immediately quit or block is from Dolores Huerta
So great that the 13yo discovered Sade on her own
Redeeming birthday gifts from May that I didn’t have time to use until now 🥰 tonight I’m using the ticket my kid made for me to go to the outdoor jazz club/restaurant 😎
Outdoor massage in a cabana under fans is where it’s at
Why are all the bots that follow me always men with pictures of us flags and mentions of god
I just completed a media & technology survey from my local public radio station. There were several questions that basically asked how comfortable I would be if the station used AI to do different things on air. At least one option was of the “I’d find it alarming”/“very concerned” variety.
Upcoming in Mommy’s El Camino: an interview with artists who edited and created a risograph publication I recently read and love; a writer’s process notes; a review of novels-in-prose; lit crit/review of two books that revel, in different ways, in the divine ✨ buttondown.email/wendycortiz
Mommy's El Caminobuttondown.email In Mommy’s El Camino you can chill, shoot the shit, and go places. In Mommy’s El Camino you’ll find Wendy, known to her kid as Mommy, one of the various identities she inhabits—along with author, ther...
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I’m thinking of doing a fundraiser for a local group where I gather all the books I don’t want anymore, invite others to do the same, then everyone who comes gets a bag they can fill with whatever books they find and wanna take home. Different donation prices for different size bags.
There’s an app called Swimply where you can rent other people’s pools by the hour and the NAME is a fail to me. Why not Swimmingly? I get the play on words here but the word “swimply” is just crappy 😹 ya wimps
Wasps in my front doorway, wasp nests in two corners of my front screen door. In the past two days I’ve opened the door to leave the house and screamed, slamming the door closed.
Feels pretty wrong that Portland and Seattle have been hotter than L.A.
I registered the 13yo for a week of camp where she’ll learn palm strikes, elbow strikes, knee strikes, kicking, blocking, + how to get out of a choke hold, hair pull, wrist grab, and grab from behind 💫