
Biden clearly has declined mentally compared to even four years ago. This shouldn’t be up for debate. And yes, it is likely a product of his extremely advanced age. It makes sense that his team wanted him to do the debate. They told themselves he’d overcome his limitations in the moment. He didn’t.
"wow insane they wanted to do a debate when biden has severe mental decline, just doesn't make sense!" yeah we know. turns out "biden has no mental decline besides being old and just had a bad debate" literally explains all of these weird questions you have! whodathunk!?
He did quite well at the state of the union only a few months ago so I don’t think it was unrealistic to think he could have done much better than he actually did.
That’s what I expected would happen.
That's what everyone expected. Trump's camp was making up stories about Biden taking performance enhancing drugs because they thought he was going to do so well. This was clearly a fluke.
Unfortunately not clearly a fluke, or he'd have been holding a press conference immediately not a non-live interview 8 days later. No one that sees him day to day was trying to hype up the performance before the debate. They tried to downplay it, but not enough.
A press conference with reporters shouting "ARE YOU TOO OLD?!" wouldn't be the best format to ease concerns. He's had speaking events every day since the debate & he's been lively & energetic, but those haven't really been talked about. Ppl that saw him day to day were surprised by the debate, too 🤷‍♀️
Right because he's able to read from a teleprompter, but the Presidency is more than that. That he's the President right now while his condition is unclear is what is worrying people (me at least).
To be clear, not all of the speaking events have been with a teleprompter. There were radio interviews and voter meet and gets, too. People are way, way overreacting. Biden is fine.
I hope, with desperation, that you're right.