
This is completely backwards. If they wanted Biden at the debate, it follows that Biden does not actually have a serious mental issue. It was just an off performance! The reason you think it's so strange they wanted a debate if he has early dementia.. it's strange because it's a logic pretzel.
The thing is a prime time debate with the entire American Experiment on the line — a debate Biden’s people WERE BEGGING FOR — is in theory supposed to be the time he is at his absolute best. Which raises the very legitimate question of what he is like on a truly bad day.
There's not a special type of dementia that allows you to read super clearly off teleprompters and primetime addresses and SOTUs and radio interviews and rallies but then gets you when you're debating. The overwhelmingly parsimonious answer is he just had a bad debate. Occam's razor folks!
That post follows the common attack pattern here of: Step 1) Bad debate! Step 2) ??? Step 3) non-sequitur you know better, c'mon now. "wow raises the question of what he's like on a really bad night" -- no it fucking doesn't! that doesn't follow, you just made that up!
guy watched the worst public performance Biden gave in his entire presidency and decided it meant "this is literally the best the president can do, my god ". your brain just shit itself mid-thought. how many fucking brain worms are being passed around in journo group texts? this and applebaum? jfc
he had a real bad debate guys. this does not mean he has a severe mental decline, you literally have to ignore every appearance post-debate to conclude that. you panicked because you wanted a win and now your anxious neurons have created a mass psychosis where you think biden is an invalid!
sorry I'm going off on this I feel like I'm fucking taking crazy pills. you are all better than this and this sort of dumb baby logic you'd normally be able to spot a mile away. just profoundly disappointed
"wow insane they wanted to do a debate when biden has severe mental decline, just doesn't make sense!" yeah we know. turns out "biden has no mental decline besides being old and just had a bad debate" literally explains all of these weird questions you have! whodathunk!?
Became the opportunity for the pundits and political reporters to vent their spleens vs. a White House that has been pretty buttoned down and refused to play the access game. Also Debates are a stupid way to judge candidates. Very different set of skills than being president.
More acting than president/diplomat. Quiz show? For Trump - a lie fest. Definitely, can't be human here.
Yeah, we haven’t been watching the last 4 years. All just normal stuff