
Don't want to pick on this person in particular but I feel like this is a relatively good example of the way that bike centric urbanism ends up just being apologia for bad patterns of development. I assure you no significant % of people are biking for regional transportation
Would be nice if we could! But that ultimately comes down to safety for cyclists, which in a car-dominated society, well... yeah. That limit things!
does "region" have some special and particularly small meaning in urban development? because the idea of *anyone* biking on a scale I would consider "regional" seems nuts
I believe they mean biking to a place where one could do regional transportation, like a park and ride, but at that point you're going a distance you wouldn't want to walk, then taking a regional train an hour or so, this makes your commute both annoying and long
that seems good if it's for, like, access to a larger city or something but the idea of doing that for your commute is insane
I think it's more like the bike car on meteolink instead of a park and ride. Having a bike at the destination (instead of leaving it a the originating station) can make a regional rail commute a lot more workable.