Kavi πŸš±πŸŒ‰

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Kavi πŸš±πŸŒ‰


PhD student posting about politics while I wait for experiments to run.

endorsements != endorsements. min flow is max cut


Developer and operator of urbanstats.org
"Do Jesus and God have 'similar substance' or the 'same substance'" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 7628 civil wars,
Like 90% of secular attempts to justify social conservatism around family, marriage, divorce, etc, take the form "if we force people to go through the motions of a thing that successful people do it will make them successful" Equivalent of an unfunded $3000 wristwatch mandate
Juxtastat 308 2/5 🟩🟩πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯ juxtastat.org
Urban Statsjuxtastat.org
Ok legitimately are recipe writers just allergic to postal scales? Why does every recipe say "1 onion" as if that's even remotely a unit of measure Simple step to take before writing the recipe: take the onion you're using, place it on a scale, write down the number
Finally started posting Exarchates, my fanfic discussing the post-Dominion War reconstruction efforts on Cardassia and Bajor to AO3. I'll be cross posting them one at a time from Tumblr since I figure this is a better place to put them archiveofourown.org/works/57011470
Genuinely fascinating the number of people who think that education should largely consist of reading old books written by people in agrarian societies without science, democracy, technological progress, etc
Really enjoyed the book Yellowface, the first piece of media on the phenomenon of cancel culture that I have ever seen in my life which did not make me want to write a four-page angry response app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/2f55...
Review by notkavi - Yellowfaceapp.thestorygraph.com Disclaimer: this review is going to be pretty stream of consciousness because I don't want to ...
ZΓΊΓ±iga's failed coup shows that the youth of today are too busy putting woke diacritics on their names to properly get a job done
"Brigadier General Zebulon Pike" and "Emperor Maximinus Thrax" are two great examples of the genre of "real historical figures that sound like they should be in a dime store Sci-Fi novel"
I think Hitchens et al (whatever other issues you have with them) understand this extremely well, and their project is best read as an attempt to end the deference given to "religion" in Anglophone political life.
imo a pretty reasonable norm is you can't claim that it's invalid for people to protest at your religious building if they are protesting a secular activity (the illegal sale of land) that you happen to be doing at the religious building
Its always extremely weird when nuclear boosters criticize solar for being hard to install. In the last decade there's been 160GW of solar installed and like -2GW of nuclear power installed. Not 2, negative 2.
This is kinda what I mean when I say nuclear power gets a lot of boosters purely by being cool even when that coolness isn't particularly useful Like,,, who cares about energy density for grid scale power generation? Energy density matters for portable power sources
Not saying therapy culture has no flaws but like 80% of people complaining about it are clearly just mad that religion has less social power than it used to and want something to blame β€” like I assure you religion has not declined because of therapy culture lol
Some useful tips for running an organization: 1. Don't do stuff ad-hoc. Everything should be run through proper channels. This makes sure you have consistency 2. Gut members be invested in the org by having them give talks frequently, highlighting their lived experience
As someone who's been cancelled by the woke mob for putting habanero sauce on pasta I can confirm that Desis do in fact eat hot sauce
Ok by the definition of "having 0 dollars left after expenses and savings" literally every single person is paycheck to paycheck, right? Like there's no other category
Imo a major reason that people have often 0 political theory of mind is this kind of thinking, where having a basic level of theory of mind of someone is equivalent to agreeing with them
Extremely funny that this is im like 95% sure a reference to the backfire effect, a thing that hasn't replicated
Personally I think a reasonable compromise is banning text both written (1) in webcomics (2) on a plate
🚨 Urban Stats 15.0.0 🚨 Entirely cosmetic update this time, I switched to a postwar retro aesthetic for readability and (more importantly) ✨ vibes ✨
Obvs I need to fix the icons and probably make the colors a bit more period appropriate, but thoughts on this retro vibe for urbanstats? I've needed to fix the font inconsistency for a while, and thought a postwar retro look makes more sense than vaguely old timey serif fonts
While it's not a conspiracy at all, and the people claiming such are silly, it is imo pretty distortive to imaginings of history that journalists use black and white images to signify importance, making the events seem older than they are
The UK claiming that it's subnational regions are countries is so weird, and as far as I can tell is just because the word "country" is used to describe the regions. Like the US describes its regions as "states" but nobody goes around putting Tennessee on lists with Canada
This is a new one, instead of trying to bring antivaccination into the university it's advocating the promotion of an intellectual tradition that has failed so hard it lost the persuasion battle on *its own side*
Don't want to pick on this person in particular but I feel like this is a relatively good example of the way that bike centric urbanism ends up just being apologia for bad patterns of development. I assure you no significant % of people are biking for regional transportation
Punch cards are not in any way a more basic form of computation, they're just an inefficient data entry mechanism. You could program JavaScript or Python on punch cards if you were so inclined
100% agreed; computer classes should start with handing kids a stack of blank punch cards and work forward from there.
A slide rule is very much an intermediary. It is a tool used to automate away the task of log tables, which are themselves a tool used to automate away the digit based multiplication algorithm (notably, they still teach the digit based multiplication algorithm in school!)
To a very large extent, yes, I wish kids were required to learn how to use slide rules instead of calculators. I want kids to experience life and learning without the intermediary of a screen. It's just begging the question to say "X is available, so we should teach kids to use it."
Time traveller: well the *second* most famous thing you're known for is your campaign song President Harrison: oh that's odd, but,, I mean, it *was* a good song. And at least now I know one of my reforms stood the test of time. What's the first thing? Time traveller: uh πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜