Vague Pariah

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Vague Pariah

Environmental artist that would rather be tending the nursery
Our neighborhood is clearly being gentrified. The fireworks display is the worst I've ever seen.
Watching Independence Day wife: "why can't we have a president that young and vibrant?" Me: "you mean one that doesn't look like he's about to drop dead at any moment?" Wife: "well he could drop dead at any moment." Me: "only bc he's flying a fighter jet into combat with aliens." Wife: "ok fair"
I hope this beer lasts longer than one of their songs
Christophe Emé's Ortolan in LA. It was some of the best modernist French cuisine in the city and his wife, Jeri Ryan of Star Trek fame, was often the maitre d.
what's a restaurant or bar you miss? i adored Public in NYC the couple of times i went, and Franny's was one of my favorite Brooklyn dinner spots. just realized they both closed 7 years ago, god
Ok "you have the morals of an alley cat" was pretty good.
Tree roots grow wide not deep. People think the roots look like the color drawing but they actually look like the B&W drawing. 80% of the roots grow in the top 2' of soil bc that's where the oxygen is. The roots can easily extend out 4x the radius of the canopy.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
The question about the lack of conservative representation in the visual arts comes up often. To understand this I keep coming back to economic support and psychology. The first is obvious. You get plenty of conservative art when conservatives pay for it regardless of the artists' politics.
The near-simultaneous collapse of both PAFA and UArts is indeed frightening and portends bad things for the arts and higher education in the future. Luckily, our resident conservative columnist has the dumbest possible response.
Our art institutions are failing. To save them, let conservative artists thrive. | Jennifer Shouldn’t the arts be expansive enough to include works that offend everyone?
Boulder exposing the lie that the intent of exclusionary zoning is to protect people from living next to industry instead of keeping certain neighborhoods exclusive and wealthy by putting all the new apartments in an industrial zone instead of upzoning single family neighborhoods.
"Possible zoning changes that could enable more housing in the eastern flank of Boulder are continuing to take shape. The City Council on Thursday evening discussed several options staffers had proposed and gave mixed feedback about them."
East Boulder zoning changes continue to take shape – Boulder Daily Possible zoning changes that could enable more housing in the eastern flank of Boulder are continuing to take shape. The City Council on Thursday evening discussed several options staffers had proposed and gave mixed feedback on them.
The rose obelisk is starting to go off 🌱
Lol MFers be out there trying to claim the Great Depression was caused by a shortage of housing after WW1 like the 1920s didn't see the greatest housing boom in US history.
The stupid gopher had the audacity to just sit there above ground and mow back what was a 6 foot long hoya vine in a pot. 🌱
Some blooms in the garden today 🌱
Met a guy at the pub that said he makes obscure electronic music and apparently "obscure" just means "house music middle aged people like" to this guy.
Epiphyllum "Ivan the Terrible" and "FDR" blooming in the garden. 🌱
So this has been going around and it's a total horseshit bad faith attack on third spaces based on a personal indictment of Oldenburg that completely ignores later scholarship.
It's blooming season in the garden 🌱
Had a talk with a friend that teaches polisci and her students tried to convince her that this is their Vietnam and whoa buddy they were not prepared for what they walked into. Keep up the good fight y'all but keep the hingepins in.
It may not matter if you choose paper or plastic at the checkout stand but it sure does matter if you choose car dependent sprawl at the ballot box.
From the way it's summarized by major media outlets, you'd think the Carbon Majors report says that just a handful of corporations and nation states are "responsible" for most CO2 emissions. Kea Wilson unpacks why it's not that simple — and why automobility's impact deserves more scrutiny.
How the Myth that '100 Companies' Are Responsible for Climate Change Hides the True Impact of Automobility — Streetsblog Let's resist the tidy narrative about how “57 companies" are ruining the planet. We all are ruining the planet. And we all must change.
This is quite possibly the worst Strong Towns hit piece I have ever read replete with disingenuous mischaracterization of the linked articles.
i saw the latest strong towns video which is the thesis statement to their new book. it gave me the ick (although the videos by mike are totally fine) and it reminded me of this fantastic article that continues to be true. highly recommend reading it because the vibes are rancid:
The Strong Towns Movement is Simply Right-Libertarianism Dressed in Progressive Garb ❧ Current <p>Strong Towns’ critique of America’s car-centric sprawl sounds appealing. But its proposed solutions rely on a conservative politics that prioritizes ‘wealth creation’ over just and equitable urban ...
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
Tillandsia blooming 🌱
The orchids are starting to go off. 🌱
And people will still try to claim that individual choices don't matter while getting apoplectic about upzoning and bike lanes at city council meetings. Sure individuals choosing a single product doesn't matter but individuals choosing a structural system does.
It's always mind-blowing to see tailpipe emissions quantified and compared like this.
Sometimes you just have to make what you need. 🌱
Kintsugi but with a broke ass concrete patio