Rebecca Colesworthy

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Rebecca Colesworthy

Acquisitions editor (gender & queer studies, lit crit, Latin American studies, education, & more); author, Returning the Gift (2018). Screamy about publishing, labor, most things. She/her.
I sincerely never thought he would get to this point and I am delighted to see it even if he cannot enact it himself this changes the conversation about what’s possible within the Democratic Party, which has been badly needed for years fantastic news
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Back to finishing reading this v frustrating essay and it occurs to me that so many of these sorts of criticisms of lit crit for overestimating its aim themselves overestimate the impact, significance, exemplarity, and/or responsibility of this or that individual work of lit crit.
This essay, which I’m still finishing, was created in a lab to give me personally heart palpitations
I have said for decades: There is absolutely NOTHING in my six or seven years of explicit training, and nothing in my thirty years of practice that has ever equipped me as a mental health professional to stop gun violence. If someone tells me they are going to hurt someone - duty to warn Period
This seems like a grim natural experiment to show that access to mental health services isn't going to neutralize access to guns when it comes to controlling violence
Today is the official release date for "Disability Works!" (The rumors are true—we are BOTH cancers!). I'm excited for you to read it! You can do that by purchasing a copy with the discount code NYUP30 (30%off)! Or Amazon!
Disability A cultural history of disability, performance, and work in the modern United StatesIn 1967, the US government funded the National Theatre of the Deaf, a grou...
This essay, which I’m still finishing, was created in a lab to give me personally heart palpitations
We’ve started watching EVIL (it’s a show, bear with me, I dunno) and none of the legal stuff seems, er, legal but then none of our actual legal system seems legal so what do I know?
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Plans to cover my office in prints continue apace
it's incredible the extent to which so many ideas about how voters will react to things in the electoral world tacitly assume that voters are white men.
To kick off the series in its new incarnation, Christina & Perry have written a post for the SUNY P blog about their vision & the value of the “slow work” of gender theory now: Srsly honored to work w/ them & serve as acq editor on this series. 📚
Big news on the book series front, friends! Thrilled to announce that Perry Zurn & Christina A. León have assumed editorship of SUNY Press’s GENDER THEORY series. New series description here: Send us your proposals!
Big news on the book series front, friends! Thrilled to announce that Perry Zurn & Christina A. León have assumed editorship of SUNY Press’s GENDER THEORY series. New series description here: Send us your proposals!
A mild mannered professor moonlights as a fake hit man…what in the what?
There was Little House and Heathers but when 90210 first aired while I was in middle school my primary reference for Shannen Doherty was Our House.
“Are you excited to watch Heathers and 90210 tonight?” He thinks I’m kidding but joke’s on him.
Due to current events I take it all back: Presumed Innocent is a perfect show and all I want is to dissolve into an endlessly remediated puddle of streaming goo with an overly hot A List cast.
*30 min into the live action Little Mermaid* 4yo: I don’t like this movie anymore Me: what do you want to watch instead? 4yo, whispers: GODZILLA Me: which one? 4yo: Destroy All Monsters The kid knows what he likes.
So one thing about Presumed Innocent I’m having a tough time with is that I’m just not convinced anyone looks like Jake Gyllenhaal or Ruth Negga. Just far too attractive all around. I’m not buying it.
shout out to Horn Pond in Woburn Mass. for being shaped like a cartoon whale with the face of John Quincy Adams
I’ve decided the 1st decade of the 21st century technically counts as 20th century. You know how you see music videos from 1990, ‘91, ‘92 and think “whoa those are so 80s!” No? Just me? Well it’s like that. There’s a hangover & I refuse to believe MANY of those NYT “best” books are c21.
We’ve started Presumed Innocent and so far I can confirm that it is a long drawn out version of a movie that already existed and was pretty great and yet still I will probably watch the whole thing
Third tornado watch of the summer in *checks notes* upstate New York
I don’t think “but can they do that?” is the most informed question to guide Project 2025 analysis, not without “what do they mean by that?” and “are they already working on that?” and “who are their allies on that?”
Can Writing Save Our Planet? Can Profs Ban Class Recordings? Should Colleges Strive to Improve Student Mindsets? WHY does my inbox have so many questions for me?
“Do you want a piece of bread?” - the 4yo offering me the tiny part of his cookie without frosting on it
The 4yo assumed Rene Russo was Thor’s sister not his mother and you should 100% take that as the indictment of inequities that it is
celebrating the “wellness” email my institution just sent about “mindful eating” by having a huge bowl of ice cream for lunch ~mindfully~
turns out a great way to avoid the usual horror that accompanies opening your inbox on a Monday morning is to start the day by MacGyvering a clogged shower drain, to the gross ickiness of which no mere email can compare