
this is not where you go, prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I., this is where i do the dishes.
Looks like you need a cat fountain. Totally worth it. Reminds me I need to change the filter and refill it though.
Fountains really are very good for them, especially male cats, who are more prone to blockages. For while they WILL drink still water, their instincts tell them not to. Mine all started drinking more water once I got fountains.
Fountains are also lots of fun to play in! And yes, my cats, both males drink (drank in 1 case) a lot more water from fountains. We put a second one in the bathroom to keep our 20 lb cat out of the toilet.
I am scrupulous about keeping toilet lids down whenever they are not actually being used.
We used to be, with a cat that left the seat soaking, but that was years ago and we'd gotten out of the habit. Reilly just started his toilet habit this winter, & the fountain worked. Unfortunately his liver tumors developed an abscess & he passed 7 weeks ago. The other cat misses him terribly.
I'm so sorry you lost your baby. I got into that habit about 30 years ago, when I learned how far toilets fling their contents when flushed with the lid up. That it's less hassle with the cats is a bonus.
It's been especially hard on the surviving cat. He stopped eating, lost 1/3 of his body wt in ~4 wks. They'd been together all their lives & he's broken hearted. Almost had to put in a feeding tube. He's finally putting weight back on tho. We'll get another cat when he's healthy again.
When my void girl Meera died, big blue Boris was as devastated as I was. He carried her beanie leopard around the house, when he'd never picked it up before. He slept in her spot, under the covers behind my knees, instead of his spot on top of the covers on my feet.
It didn't get to where I actually had to syringe feed him, but he definitely lost weight If your boy lost a lot in a short time, it might be worth considering having his liver checked for hepatic lipidosis. The mechanism that allows wild cats to go long periods without eating can hurt domestic cats
I had no idea a cat could grieve so hard. I knew he grieved when my son's dog died (spent time batting his toys around & slept in his bed). But it was moderate & sweet. When Reilly died, Loki almost died of a broken heart. They're much more deep & intense little beings than I realized.