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soft tech & poetic tools • https://kayserifserif.place/ • she/her/伊
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reposting with ALT and to pull out this: sensational and misleading claims about LLM agency and capabilities emerge from a deep misconception of both what human language is and what LLMs are
Large Models of What? Mistaking Engineering Achievements for Human Linguistic Agency arxiv.org/abs/2407.08790 New paper with Marek McGann
hello! i finally took some time to polish up my RegEx Poetry Machine: kayserifserif.place/regex-poetry... it follows in the line of previous explorations, but really focuses in on the idea of these regex poems, and how words can dance together in interesting ways. please enjoy! :)
RegEx Poetry Machinekayserifserif.place A tool for making RegEx pattern poems.
#ASL class gets me so excited!!!!!!! i have so many questions and so much to research and think about :)
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extremely cute to see both of these games get posted at the same time: downpour.games/~nekokaniclu... downpour.games/~farfama/hig...
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My post about the Cohost financials is up. d-shoot.net/cohostfinanc... Also a gemini link for the sickos that I hope I ported all of my typo fixes over to gemini://gemini.hackers.town/lori/cohostfinance.gmi
Cohost's Financials - A Retrospectived-shoot.net A look back through the financial updates of Cohost.org
為了調查一些跟語言環境有關的程式,我把系統語言改成了中文。 現在覺得電腦有點新鮮感了。有好多介面平時對我很熟悉,想都不想就用在日常工作中。突然它們變了陌生。我們在電腦世界裡喜歡使用的暗喻都重新浮出水面了。 中文的「歷史」是英文“History” 的直接翻譯,但用這中文詞的時候,我突然覺得我的瀏覽紀錄長了那麼的宏偉。「終端機」好像也是英文”Terminal”的直接翻譯,但知道了中文名字,我對這個應用程式好像獲得了更深刻的理解。 欣賞著國際化的力量~
i have been wanting to start a Blog, and i've been wanting to articulate some thoughts about my poetic programming language. i have finally done both :) humbly offered: kayserifserif.place/blog/2024/co...
Coem (the attentive thing) | Katherine Yangkayserifserif.place Articulating some dreams about this poetic programming language of mine.
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I have created a record of an historic event.
i want to use this more but i keep getting lost
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New blog post: My non-academic job market journey! An FAQ style document providing answers to questions I get asked a lot in informational interviews, and which may be found in some other posts but not as easily. Do you have other questions? Let me know hkotek.com/blog/my-alta...
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Applications 📣NOW OPEN! for my Pop Bibliography course at California Rare Book School, August 5-9! Learn about how fictional old books got their look, what that means for the field of book history, and how we can use Pop Bib as a tool for education & outreach. www.calrbs.org/courses/pop-...
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“The comma neatly separates a list of things that are completely entangled, + in the process obscures the degree of violence happening to each individual person. The Palestinian that is trapped underneath the rubble is also the Palestinian that is injured. Is also the Palestinian that is displaced.”
“A Thousand Eulogies Are Exported to the Comma.” Of Syntax and Genocidelithub.com This essay was originally given as a speech given at “A People’s Cinema & Night of Poetry & Song for Palestine” in Brooklyn, New York on January 27th. * I don’t know how to use a comma. I a…
heyy checkin back in — is there a way to make a private list of my friends on here so i can check what they've been up to? i know i can make a list but maybe not a private one?
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The 2024 LingComm Grants are here! Please help us share this with people who may have a linguistics communication project that needs a boost! @superlinguo.bsky.social and I make these happen with the support of @lingthusiasm.bsky.social patrons and other generous people
Grantslingcomm.org 2024 LingComm Grants - Small Grants for Communicating Linguistics to Wider Audiences We want to see more linguistics in the world!  The 2024 LingComm Grants are $500 (USD) to support linguistics comm...
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i love loanwords i love accents i love pidgins and creoles and translanguaging and dialect continua and i love the squishy humanity of language varieties being pressed together and rubbing off on each other and being not-really-different-things, it makes me feel so connected to humanity
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Hey look, it’s my first piece for Rolling Stone! (Thanks @noahshachtman.bsky.social ) And I meant every word — I believe we’re seeing the renaissance of the weird, human internet. It couldn’t come a moment too soon. www.rollingstone.com/culture/cult...
The Internet Is About to Get Weird Againwww.rollingstone.com The internet seems ripe for change, and millions of people seem poised to connect in new ways, as they reconsider their relationship to technology.
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I'm a sucker for magical realism in movies and books. Put some impossible bullshit in your story that none of the characters think is weird, and I'll eat it up.
i've been wanting to do something with poetry + programming + linguistics (esp syntax trees) for a while. here are some stills from a first exploration!! i'm using the tree structure to create an annotated/multi-level poem, w definitions/sidenotes for each constituent :) #linguistics #syntax
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Do not go gentle into that good night
i took a ling minor in college and i am hungry to learn more ling in general! i'm esp interested in syntax & semantics, and would love love to in some way dive into how those models of language tie into programming and poetry 💕💕💕 and then make cooler and funner projects!!!
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you make me feel seen and it is new and soft and warm
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Been thinking about the glitch and typo as crip computational practices, encountered these beautiful installations at PHL. A post #AoIR2023 send off!
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After looking up how to do it, I've decided I do not have the mental or temporal capacity to run a #slang or #lexicography Bluesky feed. I'd love them to exist, though! Perhaps someone else fancies a go? Calling #linguistics!
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Build a small home to house a worrying thought. Help the thought move in. Help the thought put its things away. Throw a tiny housewarming party and leave at an appropriate time. Visit sometimes.
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The Game Accessibility Guidelines have been put together by game studios, specialists and academics. While they are not an official set of standards or documents, they are a collection of tips and techniques to help developers make games more inclusive. gameaccessibilityguidelines.com
Game accessibility guidelines | A straightforward reference for inclusive game designgameaccessibilityguidelines.com