
The problem is that a) this government is announcing this at the same time it’s cutting infrastructure funding - who’s going to pay for, say, increased wastewater demands? Increased load on public transport?
B) they’re removing minimum floor sizes, so developers are going to pack us in like sardines (even more than they already are - I live in one of five tiny apartments on what used to be a single quarter-acre section with one house)
C) National has a habit of deregulating the housing market for the benefit of their cronies in construction and property management. The last time they did this we ended up with a generation of houses so shoddily built they required the direct intervention of the Labour government to fix.
D) The govt has already cut spending to the bone to give tax cuts to landlords (the tax cuts for the rest of us are swallowed by the local tax increases this entails to keep things running). Everything they do should be understood through this lens - they’re brutal, greedy, and short sighted.
Ultimately, it’s not a wholesome story - it’s just another case of National feeding landlords and big business at the expense of everyone else.