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Reposted byAvatar Kaz
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
It’s the most solipsistic talking point imaginable, bought into and legitimated by many centrists, when the fact of the matter is that the entire cult of MAGA intensely hates America as it really is, while normie libs have 20th century American heroes and love the actual pluralism we’ve got.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
The entire game of making right wingers “patriots” and liberals “America haters” is about gerrymandering what you’re allowed to be proud of in American history and what counts as hatred. Pride in The New Deal doesn’t count and hatred of immigrants and America’s largest cities doesn’t count either.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Small business owners are not experts on street design, parking policy, or transportation. Many of them barely know how to run their own businesses! Expecting trained professional planners to defer to their judgment is bananas.
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
This but unironically.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
Source: www.the-sun.com/news/6150817...
This is what the inside of bombs dropped by the russians looks like to maximize civilian casualties
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
want to reiterate what a breath of fresh air joining the liberal currents team has been. "a home for mere liberalism" doesn't mean i agree with everyone all the time--indeed, quite the opposite. but our core commitments to reason, rights, and respect are non-negotiable. www.liberalcurrents.com
Liberal Currentswww.liberalcurrents.com Liberal Currents offers discussion, elucidation, and defense of liberal principles and institutions.
A win is a win! #AustinFC
Digging this 'Johnny comes marching home' cheer by the Minnesota supporters section #AustinFC
Digging this 'Johnny comes marching home' cheer by the Minnesota supporters section #AustinFC
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
A crucial part of this story, by the way, is the recognition that decent people standing up against evil people was essential. It still is. Jackson got through it both based on his strength of character and based on key people not putting up with bad behavior.
Thanks for Reggie Jackson for saying this, and contempt and defiance, in advance, to the worthless shitbirds who will say he shouldn’t have and that he oughta leave if he doesn’t like it. Regrettably those worthless shitbirds are now fairly mainstream. sports.yahoo.com/mlb-at-rickw...
MLB at Rickwood Field: Reggie Jackson recalls racist treatment in Alabama in stunning interviewsports.yahoo.com For three minutes, Mr. October laid out in stunning detail what it was like to be a Black player in Alabama in 1967.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
What is chosen to get sent out as a push notification and why is a question more people should ask about the news.
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
please sign my petition to post the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition on the wall of every Louisiana classroom
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
It's been said that signal timing is the proverbial 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk in regards to #VisionZero repository.library.northeastern.edu/files/neu:cj...
It's been said that signal timing is the proverbial 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk in regards to #VisionZero repository.library.northeastern.edu/files/neu:cj...
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
Assorted thread for thoughts while visiting #Alaska
Reposted byAvatar Kaz
Elon Musk is a closed-borders corporate-welfare king who always wants bigger subsidies from the state. The personal share that he'd like to claim is less like a typical American executive and more like a budding kleptocrat. Cato should be ashamed.