
It’s weird cause I never really have thought about whether Biden was too old to run. I always figured that was an implicit part of the bargain in 2020. Like you nominate this old guy in the 2020 primary, that’s what you get for ostensibly eight years And that’s what people made the decision to do!
I feel like we don’t get the luxury of worrying about whether he is too old too run anymore. That wasn’t part of the deal
So much of the attacks against Biden both in the 2020 primary and the general was "this dude is too old" and voters were like "sure, but its not a dealbreaker."
If Americans are surprised by gerontocracy in government at this point, they haven't been paying attention.
Always thought it was implicit he was going to run again!
They always do! Even if they don’t win
There's little more to it than "if we're mad about this, you have to listen." Which was exactly what the Afghanistan debacle boiled down to, & it's even more irritating this time around
I’ve said this elsewhere but thing I remember after the outcome of 2020 was a deep pessimism setting in, almost as soon as the race was called, that made it seem as if we had lost. I logged off of twitter for months after that because I found it so dispiriting