
I am always, every waking hour and even in my sleep, mad at mayonnaise. Yes, even Kewpie. Yes, even Dukes. Increasingly, a close up contender is avocado. I understand that it is delicious. Unfortunately, avocado is trying to kill me so putting it in everything is a no from me
someone who's more Online than me please start a fandom wiki for bluesky because i can't keep track of who's mad at whom
Between mayo and avacodo I had to get sushi at Whole Foods yesterday
My big issue with avocado is strictly speaking it doesn't turn up as a "food allergy." BUT It is part of the latex family allergy group and a WHOLE MESS OF US cannot eat that shit. Stop putting it in shit just for a halo glow. Yes I'm looking at Coscto.
I want to try this so bad every time I go to costco but it has avocado oil for no good reason. LIke I accept that I can't eat guacamole anymore. I am in no way coming for the divine uses of avocado. But this. This is just pandering to wellness culture. USE A NEUTRAL OIL
There was a period of time when every single fruit flavored anything I encountered had kiwi, strawberry, or pineapple in it. It's fucking limeade. It does not need a latex fruit that isn't even being advertised.
Pura Vida, came from a Mexican film