
they looked at the covid data and went 🤔🤑
I had been wondering, I'm in the DC metro area and there's like...two rival mega conglomerate cardiology practices basically (The same is true for gastroenterology, and they also can't retain admin staff 👀)
Great, it's not like covid does permanent damage to the cardio system each time someone catches it and most people surely haven't caught it once let alone multiple times. Yes, this is fine.
My primary care doctor’s office was bought a few years ago by an out of town outfit and recently closed. It made me wonder how often this is happening.
Brilliant, they can pay the doctors $50k a year by converting them into entry-level clerks who use AI tools. Then raise prices.
I wonder if these will follow the private equity big-box model of bleeding into bankruptcy
I'm worried about the quality of care that will precede that
This shouldn't be legal. I mean, I'd argue private equity firms in general shouldn't be legal, but with healthcare, I feel like everyone understands that stripping it for parts shouldn't be allowed even if money can be made!
Private equity is already involved in healthcare
Yes, I replied to your post that I felt that shouldn't be legal. I'm surprised because I would have assumed that should be so unpopular that it would be easy to make illegal. I guess I didn't phrase it as well as I could, I was in the middle of my 6 year old's bedtime.