
For years they've said that the only way to be a participant in democracy is to vote and now they're saying don't even do that
For the record: voting matters. So does turning up to school board meetings. Community board meetings. Planning and zoning board meetings. Making public comments on pending rules. Contacting public officials. Protesting. Running for office yourself.
If voting didnt matter certain actors wouldn't be working to supress the votes of those they feel will vote against them.
Anyway journalism is supposed to be the fourth pillar of US democracy. And theres evidence that where theres good journalism there's less governmental corruption. Kind of interesting that NYT has openly positioned itself as anti- democracy imho.
Yeah. They have chosen a side for sure, I guess keeping with their roots? Thanks for the info
Why does this man not simply move to the Vatican and leave us alone
Seriously. You will often be the only member of the public at public meetings, so your voice will be outsized.
Having been to god knows how many local government meetings, I find this to be very true. Simply showing up can make a big difference.