No notes dot bsky

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No notes dot bsky

I look at politics in China and the United States. I will also yell about my cats and video games here
Well do something useful with your life besides being an irritating weeb then
Me having suicidal ideation is a personal problem. Yes. Do you have anything actually useful to contribute
It’s already that time when purely internet based anarchists are chiding people like me to buy a gun despite the fact that i would kill myself with the gun if I had one
The reason why white folks got so hype about Twitter "alternatives" is because they thought they finally wouldn't have to share digital space with Black people anymore. And they're so mad it didn't work out that way.
one of the reasons why it's hard to explain anti-blackness to non-black people when you feel it is because many black people have had the experience of trying to point out what feels like very obvious racism to their white peers and then were immediately told that it wasn't racism
Many people smarter than me have talked about the racial dynamic on this website, which imo is not an issue that is in conflict with the also existing transphobia on this website. So I’m just going to get a little iced coffee and keep it moving.
There is no real distinction between how they got treated as cis Black people and trans and nonbinary Black people because the instant one of those people points out racism and doesn’t play nicely out come the knives
Bouie may no longer be the “young” I mean here, but consider, when ordinary Black users see people they look up to and respect like Tressie, Jamelle, and Lydia flea because of harassment and racism, are they inspired to think this is a worthy or cool place for them? 2/?
Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
If you're concerned about misinformation and/or corporate ownership and influence over information, this is the kind of thing that is worth your support.
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"A group of D.C journalists who worked at a local news site that was abruptly shuttered by NPR affiliate WAMU earlier this year are launching their own nonprofit devoted to covering community news of Washington...It will be operated as a worker-run newsroom"
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
I think this is the same logic that had that trans woman that wrote the story about the attack helicopter harassed very badly
In other words, as soon as jbouie was in their sights, he had no chance. There were no actions he could have taken that would have been satisfactory to his attackers, because his attackers are not interested in a theory of change, they are interested in constructing an alternate reality.
There’s some reasons for this. The first is that the crusade began as criticism of the NYT’s anti-trans coverage. The second, and more relevant, is that social media standards allow people to use identity as both a sword and a shield.
speaking as someone who continues to think it is completely stupid that people went after jamelle bouie for something that is objectively not a big deal i also think that people should really carefully revisit why they feel some kind of weird need to highlight the transness of his harassers
This should be the first question every reporter asks Vance
Pray tell why Donald Trump isn't using the VP he had when he was in office...
I put a life Noble note into the cover of an old copy of birds of America
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
I put a life Noble note into the cover of an old copy of birds of America
I’m going to suspect that there is a history of harassment of Black trans and or nonbinary people here as well
The fact that there is a long, and growing, list of prominent leftist BIPOC writers, journalists, etc. that have quit this site after being the target of a tide of directed attacks or harassment by other leftists (often, but not exclusively, white trans women) and that's treated as a win is...grim.
Bought a lunchbox on the internet
This is how you do it.
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was at the rally and she said “There is too much hate” and we need to pray for the country. She is wearing a “Know Your Parasites” t-shirt. These people have no self awareness.
Not to bring the vibes down but the relief that a lot of POC felt when it was revealed the shooter appears to be white is significant. When white people hear about a big shooting do they start quietly hoping the shooter isn't white? Do they hope he is white?
Immediately after shots were fired, the crowd turned on media, channeling their anger toward reporters standing inside the press pen. “Fake news. This is your fault!” “You’re next! Your time is coming.” A few tried to break into the press pen but were stopped by security. — Sophia Cai, Axios
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
idk why everyone is talking about voting, i'm afraid that his followers are going to kill somebody bc of this
Pancakes found a shrimp catnip toy and now it’s in her possession at all times. We are shrimp enjoyers in this house.
fwiw i think a reason a lot of people act psycho towards big accounts on bsky is that the site works a lot like ancient 2012-era twitter where there was no algorithm that would boost you into virality but getting a single RT from a big account could completely blow your engagement up for a few hours