
this is one of his most insidious proposals: On the first day of his second term, the campaign has let it be known, Trump will sign an executive order “to withhold passports, Social Security numbers and other government benefits from children of undocumented immigrants born in the United States.”
Opinion | Trump’s Taste for Tyranny Finds a Once you start talk about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country,” what comes next?
Many people brush off the threats to round up millions because it would be so logistically complicated, but he would deprive children - CHILDREN! - who are unequivocally citizens - CITIZENS! - of their rights with a stroke of a pen. And he will absolutely do that to punish their parents.
Undocumented people already can't get most government benefits, but if their children were born here, the kids can get state health insurance and so forth. BECAUSE THEY ARE LAWFUL CITIZENS. He is planning to take food and healthcare away from children. Even if you hate immigrants, THESE ARE CHILDREN
So, what he's saying is that, within 24 hours of swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, he intends to usurp the Fourteenth Amendment. Just so we're clear on this.
What he’s saying is that it’s a whites only club. & if he’s wants to deport immigrants, he could start w/his wife who’s here on visa that some1 bought for her. Michael Wildes, immigration attny who worked for Trump Org said she got a green card in 2001 ‘based on marriage.’ ಠ_ಠ She married TFG 2005
 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he jumped down into the ditch and smothered him unto death. - The Bible According to These Assholes
I assume Baron Trump doesn’t need to work for a living, but he’s gonna be pissed if he can’t travel overseas. Wait, you mean it won’t apply to all children of illegal immigrants?
Trump sure hates the Constitution a lot for a guy who uses every possible wrinkle of Due Process protection a rich guy can get away with.
Millers great grandparents arrived in the US in 1903 to escape the pogroms in Russia. I think about that every time I think about him and wonder what they would think of their descendant.
Man, Biden better do something other than bend over backwards for Isreal before he loses this election
Notorious criminal vows to find new ways to break the law. There really is no bottom with this doofus.
Once again
Stephen Miller should walk into traffic. In front of a steamroller.
maybe while he's visiting Moscow and walking hand in hand with his BFF
Can he get Christopher miller with him as well please?
I am sure we can generate a long list! But who's driving the steamroller?
Tesla’s autopilot - so we can roll over Elon’s stocks as well.
I don't have a NY Times subscription, but it looks like that quote is from this February Washington Post story? Does anyone have a link to the text of the campaign's "specific promise of an executive order"?
It looks like was quoting the February WaPo article (but with no attribution, so it looked like he was quoting the campaign), and I can't find any quote from the campaign or Trump.
And his followers cheer him shitting on the constitution.
I'd like to see him try it. Well, no, of course I wouldn't. But there is a little tiny devil on one shoulder that keeps whispering, "Don't you want to see what would happen?" Not really. Not IRL!
Barron will be upset.