
Hahaha Trumps idea of not being a raging asshole will be to come out and say "and you know, they said, don't be a raging asshole, everyone said it, but those assholes, they rage am I right? We got the raging and the assholes here."
“They told me not to be a raging asshole, but you know what? It’s the other side, the haters and the losers — they’re the raging assholes, am I right? The vermin, you know, the illegals, the judges, they’re the raging assholes.”
This is "my aunt was designed by ChatGPT" levels of weirdness
Honestly, if he was just acting like a normal person at the debate it would come off as super weird.
Huh, I didn't know that saying existed outside my country.
The only other time I heard it was Scotty in a Star Trek movie
they wouldn't have gone with him if he wasn't that raging asshole who was willing to defy the laws & traditions that hold together our institutions & prevent the kind of chaos they need to implement their own little empire One of them is going to have to get rid of the other once Trump succeeds