Kim A. Wagner

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Kim A. Wagner

Professor of Global and Imperial History, QMUL|The Wylie Agency| New book: 'Massacre in the Clouds: An American Atrocity and the Erasure of History' -
"In short, this is a book that needs to be read more as a diatribe against American imperialism than a scholarly, balanced study." First one-star review of my book on Amazon - based on the review in NYT😆
"I have a suspicion that we’re not great at telling the truth about certain kinds of national behavior." Michael Herr
I had a really fascinating conversation with Carla and Oswin about the Bud Dajo Massacre, imperialism and the violence of the past - as much as the present: Highly recommended!!!
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"One thousand miles away or 100 years ago, the moral obligation not to avert our eyes from the pain of others remains the same." Reposting my piece for, which has sadly not lost any of its timeliness
“Let us see then whether when we look at the same photographs we feel the same things.” On the eve of the Second World War, the writer Virginia Woolf reflected on the effect that images of death and destruction had on people from different walks of life. 1/
I was 14 when I got my first copy of Philip Meadows Taylor's classic 1839-novel 'Confessions of a Thug'. And today I received the new edition in the Oxford World's Classics series - which I edited and wrote a foreword for.
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Goodnight. Yasaka pagoda, by Takeuchi Seiho
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I can't vote (I'm a dirty foreigner after all) so you'll have to do it for me 👇🏼
Don't forget to vote these fucks out today.
Siri: How much academic integrity can you get for $300k?
"Today’s Israel/Palestine might thus be thought of as an instance of “neo-apartheid”" New article by Saul Dubow, who knows a thing or two about apartheid...
I attended the funeral ceremony for an old friend in South Korea and spent a lot of time walking in the mountains around Songgwangsa Temple where I grew up. Here are some of the photos I took.
Several reviewers have criticised the level of detail in my account of Bud Dajo - one of the worst massacres in US history, which has been ignored by historians for over a century. That was a deliberate choice on my part and when the stakes are this high, to paraphrase Raoul Peck, you go for broke
While my own work provides a deep historical context for the kinds of images we currently see come out of Gaza, here are two recent pieces that do an excellent job of critically 'reading' photos of atrocity:
Twenty years after Abu Ghraib, we still struggle with photos of atrocity that force us to look at violence through the eyes of the perpetrators. The problem, I argue, is not that we have seen too many images of suffering but that we haven't looked closely enough:
A Notorious Photograph From a US Massacre in the Philippines Reveals an Ugly A shocking image of the atrocity by the American military at Bud Dajo in 1906 survived but failed to become a humanitarian touchstone
Congratulations to Niall Ferguson's research assistants...
Adam Hochschild's review of my book 'Massacre in the Clouds' in
Look up Amritsar 1919, look up Sétif 1945. Disproportionality is a key feature of colonial violence and a state willing to kill tens of thousands of civilians in response to 1200 dead will think nothing of killing hundreds to save 4.
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Henrique Alvim Correa - War Of The Worlds Illustrations, 1906
At a conference in Rome and had some time to walk around by myself.
Sexually Suggestive
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'IT MUST BE EMPHASIZED THAT THE RULES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW APPLY ONLY TO WARFARE BETWEEN CIVILIZED NATIONS...' Colonial violence - functioning without legal restraint since 1899. (Slides for an upcoming talk)
I wrote a book about how people can watch an atrocity unfold before their very eyes yet still insist they see nothing. Or worse, they see a massacre and call it a 'battle'. It's about a massacre that took place in 1906 - and I never imagined it would be so tragically relevant in 2024...
Massacre in the In this “forensic, unflinching, devastating work of historical recovery” (Sathnam Sanghera), Bud Dajo—an American atrocity bigger than Woun...
Your daily reminder that the concept of 'human shields' has been used to justify atrocities for well over a century - this is how the commander of the American forces in the southern Philippines justified the slaughter of 1000 men, women and children at Bud Dajo in 1906:
I guess that this is one obvious difference between the political landscape on either side of the Atlantc - in the UK, there's a sense that things can only get better from hereon out (which isn’t saying much, obvs), whereas in the US, they're about to get a lot worse...
This week’s Sunday Times cartoon