
Don't worry, fellow citizens are hard at work so noone will ever have to see these pesky books again.
Opens Texas/Florida-approved history book "Hmmmm. I don't see what the yelling is all about, this all looks great!"
🔥🇺🇸🔥 In the face of Monday's #treasonous #SCOTUS' presidential immunity ruling, this #July4th #IndependenceDay is MUCH diminished. We have a new monarch called the "President." King George III must be 🤣🤣🤣 laughing his ass off in his grave. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Steph
I've been thinking about this bullshit all week:
That's the feeling I had when I read, "A People's History of the United States," by Howard Zinn.
told as a child i'd be free as a grown up until then I had to do what my parents told me to do when I became grown I found out, very quickly, that I was not free, especially if having fun grew up on the ideal and got punched with the reality when grown have been fighting for freedom since
Too many liberals keep saying that and blissfully remain unaware about the USA's heinous colonialist past. It should be "this is NOT what America should want to be about anymore"...not that ignorant liberal bullshit.
We know about the bad history, we just don't want to have statues and named places that celebrate the really horrible people, mainly the members of the Confederacy. Relegate that to the museums and history books as a warning not to fuck within America.
Ok, Anthropological opinion on US History and experience: It is somewhat comforting to realize that we as a people have continually fought against the forces of authoritarianism and fascism and have won the fight so far. It gives me a small hope that we'll win this round also.
I really want to believe that, but this feels like 50+ years of dominoes set up by the right wing that are starting to fall faster. Even if we eventually "win", lots and lots of people are being and will be crushed under them in the meantime.
We have to give up liberal BS like blind adherance to civility and decorum to do it
I am & always will be a pacifist. I am & always will be anti-fascist + an activist for it. I am & always will be working to see democracy win. I am & always will be willing to accept what looks like dire consequences for these beliefs. I will fight, but I will also have hope, as Obama asked us for.
And *that's* why Florida, Louisiana, etc etc are passing laws about what can be taught
I’ve been saying this for years. Then again, I come from an island, surrounded by water…lots and lots of water.
250 years ago, people left their homes, farms and families, fought and died, to win you the right not to give a flying fuck about the UK’s election yesterday. Show some gratitude.
Must not be a history book in a red state.