
I moved to the country. I knew about coyotes. Bobcats. Rattlesnakes, black widows, and so on. It has become my opinion that not enough is made of the dangers posed by suicidal baby squirrels.
I would like you to elaborate even though it might make me sad. What are the squirrels doing?
Running in front of my car. And I swerve every damn time. Haven’t hit any, but HAVE hit two curbs, a rock and a massive tumbleweed.
Oh noooo. It sounds like they get the same panic about cars that pheasants here do. Like they'll just be chilling next to the road, a car comes along, and they immediately run towards it instead of away?! You'd think they'd learn 😅
They do. One way or another. 😢
I live in the suburbs of Northern California, and Stupid Baby Squirrel Season comes around twice a year here — in the spring and the fall. It’s very stressful.
I used to teach riding at a hunter/jumper barn. Horses are easily startled. The end.
🤣 Sitting atop a large horse that out of the blue tenses & shifts 4ft to the right in one "hop" can be disconcerting. If you can keep your seat. Other wise... startling? Maybe because the wind blew a leaf across its path? 🐴
Oh little kamikaze critters. I also slam on breaks & blare the horn.