Kim Rhodes

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Kim Rhodes

Operating “on the balance of four forces… identified as charm, persuasion, uncertainty, and bloody-mindedness.” -TP She/her also autistic
I moved to the country. I knew about coyotes. Bobcats. Rattlesnakes, black widows, and so on. It has become my opinion that not enough is made of the dangers posed by suicidal baby squirrels.
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"no, I'm not related to Trent, but I am a big industrial fan"
Saw a young person wearing an Ed Hardy shirt. Not sure if it was ironic or not. Now I’m willing to believe we are in End Times, though.
Everything’s gonna be alright, everyone. Julia from TEMU just offered me a job. Via text. Thanks to several online agencies who recommended me from my resume and experience. Acting + goats = TEMU !!!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this finally brought all of America together? *no pharmaceuticals were improperly ingested in the making of this post
This is my Prius. It’s old from at least ten years ago. Driving it is sad except when you see gas prices. Carry duct tape in your glove compartment. I figured out how to make it talk to my phone so here is some English Boy on the Love Ranch.
A bad thing about car reviews is they're written by people who love cars and know a lot about them. I need car reviews by people who hate cars and know nothing about them.
Songs featuring the theme from Knight Rider. This is why I’m here.
Dear Bluesky, I need a word for a feeling. Its the specific relief that comes when something is either horrid or benign, turns out benign, but you still experienced a bit of the horror. Like when the lump in the road turns out to be a sweatshirt. No. Not “relief”. I want a NEW word. Please.
Don’t go to Xitter. Dont. Just…. *pats your head and boops your nose* there’s nothing there for you right now. Trust me.
Descending into madness or evolving into my True Form?
I was amongst the fae today. I am grateful when my people remind me of my home.
Pretty much why remains stuck with me.
It hurts, but in a funny kind of color.
Autistic Child Who “Can’t Express Love” to Parents Declares Undying Love for Cat
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I really love it when I get to thank the people who make the world a place I enjoy.
I need readers that don’t fog up because I can’t see to shave my hoo-ha in the shower. So that’s how MY middle age is going.
Apparently Bluesky is where I finally let the innest inside voice just fuckin pop out and swing it’s tits around. Cool.
You know, my dad pointed a gun at me once. And all I could think was, “God, he’s gonna be sad when he sobers up.”
My Dad: “That girl set the house on fire again. I gotta hand it to that spotty fella, though. He got his leg strapped on, got down here, put the fire out before there was hardly any damage. I’d make him dinner to say thank you but it’d have to be soup because he doesn’t have any teeth.”
Tell me something funny about someone important to you who’s passed on. Anecdote, factoid, excellent one-liner—dealer’s choice.
‘bout to fuck some shit up. Old Lady style.
Hi had an amazing time at BurCon. Also, got this amazing shot of you during SNS. 🥰😎
Did my first cold plunge today! Dropped my phone in a pool.
Today I was recognized and my kid asked someone walking in to the group, “Do you want an autograph?” He replied, “No, thanks, I had coffee this morning.” He confessed he thought she’d said affogato. But that’s going to be my go-to excuse for everything now.
Entire generation of several species unanimously rejects Jem’s apology.
Okay. Here it is. White hair. Readers. No makeup. Random Christmas decorations I leave up year round because I like pretty lights.
I chopped most of my hair off and bleached the rest of it white. You are correct. I did not include a picture. Because I love it so much I don’t need your approval. Just wanted you to know. (I’m sure you’ll see it at some point, though. I’m not a monster.)
It shouldn’t still hurt. I mean, it never should have hurt. I didn’t even know him. But he held my heart so gently. Thank you, Sir Terry Pratchett. I miss you.
I am not an influencer here. I don’t think my endorsement is needed here. But I have to connect and you might get it here. I just listened to “Signs of Life”, the album by Neil Gaiman and FourPlay String Quartet. It’s going to be a bit before I can function again. In the best way.
Anyone else having another go at #Monk on Netflix except this time you know you’re autistic and you can’t stop laughing to have the choke-sob you need? No? Cool. Just me, then.
This algorithm, tho…
Just when I’m ready to grab marshmallows and let it all roast, humans pull off another brilliant moment and I turn off the Bunsen (Honeydew) burner.
The Meeping Angels cosplay. Fantastic idea, flawlessly executed. #DrWho
You would THINK that the more hair you have, the less consequential the ramifications of cutting it yourself would be. You would be wrong.