
The most horrifying thing to me is that from what I can tell? All you Blender users are getting a LOT of basic UV tools only within the past month or so. Makes a lot of Blender pieces more impressive.
Wait. Blender doesn't let you UV unwrap from the object then edit from there? You have to do it all manually? No wonder I've seen Blender users impressed with Maya's UV unwrapping. Oh there better be a plugin to fix this.
There's potential either of us may just be going insane, but I've been comfortable with blender's built-in UV tools for as long as I've been using it. Seaming, aligning, auto-packing, whatever
I try to avoid language like "insane" but if you're used to it, that definitely helps! The process is very different from Maya's so it caught me extremely off guard lol
Oh yeah my bad on the language part This is completely fair though, I always thought most 3D programs had similar ways to go about UVs