Derek AKA "Kinkaido"

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Derek AKA "Kinkaido"

Terminally online leftist who plays video games a lot. I also write things sometimes.
Currently trapped in the mid-tier hellscape that is Ohio.
With alt-text because THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE & I FUCKING HATE IT. Being disabled is a godsdamn full time job battling different agencies all damn day. #NEISvoid
💜🖤💛 Nonbinary dragon
The "brand identity" of being a gamer is just...such an incredibly toxic, corporate rot. Marketing an entire medium as a gatekept "only the true fans" format, community consequences be damned; fucking gets under my skin. Games should be for everyone, end of story.
Internet homophobia/toxic masculinity: the No True Straight Man Phenomenon Each individual homophobe declares whatever they are vaguely uncomfortable with to be obviously gay, but all object to slightly different things. As such, the end result is that everything is gay, nothing is straight.
Posted this over on The Site Formerly Known As Twitter, wanted to make the same point over here
Yeah. And I find it really bleak that there seems to be a general social norm now that not wanting to get sick is *weird*
Folks, this is a usability game-changer. Turn it on! In your settings -> Thread Preferences. Turns the threading of post replies into a reddit-like structure instead of twitter-like. *SO* much easier to navigate and read without having to backtrack and re-click replies to unlock threads.
Blows my mind that folks still can't seem to grasp that part of what's driving record low unemployment is the fact that a few more million working age people than normal per year are fucking *dead* now.
Reskeet to scare a transphobe
End of feed.