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He/him. Software dev in games, working on my first horror novel (out uhhh, someday), ttrpg enthusiast, cat enjoyer.
They should have cars on site of major sporting events for the losing team to flip and destroy. Like a methadone clinic, it would be a safe, controlled way to let out the hooliganism. One group goes, it's flipped right-side up, then the next group can go. Instant therapy.
This is still one of my favorite pieces. It's so gross and upsetting. Gah I'm excited to make this game as scary as I can
The more miserable my characters are, the better I can feel about my own life...right? Like, I don't have any supernatural evils to deal with, so I've got that going for me.
lol some dork ass on Reddit is like "why are writers obsessed with traumatizing their characters?" Among smarter reasons, it's also because if nobody is traumatized then I don't get my sweet, sweet hurt/comfort fix.
Repost w a banger pic of your cat Evie, the most graceful and majestic of all felines.
Repost w a banger pic of your cat Sweet Corn! The wiggliest of all men! The sweetest of all corns!
Happy ffxiv Dawntrail release day for those who celebrate (it's me, I celebrate).
#HorrorWritersChat I love body horror. The grosser the better. Tear down the human form to get to the root of what it means to be alive. What is our essence. Funnily enough, I have a hard time watching videos of more mundane injuries in real life. The more gross and out there the more fun imo.
#HorrorWritersChat question 3: What's your favourite horror trope to write? The one you rely on the most? P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
#HorrorWritersChat Kai for sure. An eternal optimist who just wants to do right by their friends and community. If I'm going to be got by a vampire or something, at least Kai will be there to quip about it first. Die happy and all that.
#HorrorWritersChat question 2: You must spend the night in a haunted house. You can choose one of your characters to accompany you. Who will it be? P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
#HorrorWritersChat I'm Matt, a backend engineer in games for now but have two projects in the works, both centered around broken people wrestling with identity, purpose, and cosmic horrors. I'm proud of how far along my first work has gotten. Alpha readers are positive, just hope lit agents are too.
#HorrorWritersChat question 1: Introduce yourself: Tell us who you are, what you write, and tell us about your proudest horror work. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
I've unlocked the Brando Sando cheat code. 15 minute writing sprints on book 2, then 15 minute editing sprints on book 1. Repeat forever. I'm excited for both aspects and I'm never not excited to get back to the other thing.
Fungal Deer for the Liminal Horror Deluxe Edition.
comic about eureka logos actions (ffxiv)
this is my first 3d printer design i hope u guys like it
What themes are you exploring in your writing and which genres are you doing so in? I'm curious to see how they match up. #writingcommunity
can't stop cracking up at this mf tiny dog lmaoo
Finally watched Army of Darkness last night. 5/5 stars no notes. Those skeletons were some of my favorites in cinema. Such character, so goofy. Both the stop motion and puppet varieties. Both brought such zany charm and made me want to become one of those giant yard skeleton people on Halloween.
It's a matter of time before YouTube video essays start showing up at an AMC near you. A 4 hour star wars hotel retrospective on imax with dolby surround sound.
New favorite picture of Mochi
I've never been more anxious than while waiting for an alpha reader's notes on my first book. Ego death and anxiety for a project spanning more than a year. Is it all garbage, is it...ok? Who knows!
They followed me from the dark, left then right. Those eyes, piercing grey and full of malice. Unmoving yet singularly focused. Nowhere to run, I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate to lose their notice, that the danger would pass. The eyes opened, blossoming grey that filled me from the inside out.
End of feed.