Matt Mason: Chaotic horror and fantasy author

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Matt Mason: Chaotic horror and fantasy author

Mixed genre indie horror and fantasy author 📚
Video editor/creator 🎥
Chaotic Author podcaster 🎙
He/him 🏳️‍🌈🖤🩶🤍💜
Next: Angel's Mass, Dec '24
Good morning! Of course it's good. It's always a good Sunday when you start the morning with American pancakes.
Jeez, my blood pressure! Good to see England getting better at penalties. My saddest thought going into this penalty shootout? "I hope if England go out, it's only white players who miss" because of what happened a couple of years ago.
Writing is very often therapy for me. I don't normally write Medium articles at the weekend, but had to get this one out of my system. As usual, non-metered link is in the replies.
Tory Voters Have Never Voted Tory for a Better They do it to make everyone else’s lives worse
Ok people, you asked for it and here it is! The original version of Angel's Mass, my medieval Christmas ghost story which I am currently rewriting! The new version will be longer, bigger, better, and have a different ending altogether.
Short Story: Angel’s A short story I wrote 2005-6 which I'm revamping to release a longer version in December 2024.
So anyway, feel free to celebrate Cornwall being Tory free by buying my book which recently had this stonking review...
I have never seen so many people so relieved to see the end of a government in my lifetime. The Tories have done so much damage, and there is so much relief, it almost feels like millions of people exiting collective trauma together.
Weird emotional state right now, finding it equally hard to feel hopeful and not to feel hopeful. A good speech.
This left-wing wokerati millennial is enjoying a refreshing beverage at the start of her workday 🙂 #UKElection2024
13 seats predicted for the ReFascists. That's put a dampener on things 😟
We're out for the day at Eden Project. Weather is pleasant. Food is good 😀
Congratulations to the winners of my editing giveaway: and ! I look forward to working with you all!
I can't vote because of moving house nonsense and re-enrolling on the electoral register, so as a trans person, I'm feeling pretty helpless right now. If you consider yourself a trans ally, PLEASE vote. Like Matt says here, a vote even just to increase LibDem and Green numbers helps!
Young people of Britain. Vote today, please I am *begging* you. Because you know who WILL vote regardless? Every "stop the boats" bigot wants Reform to get a foothold. Every racist family member who imposed austerity on you in 2010 and 2015, and who gleefully voted your futures away in 2016.
Young people of Britain. Vote today, please I am *begging* you. Because you know who WILL vote regardless? Every "stop the boats" bigot wants Reform to get a foothold. Every racist family member who imposed austerity on you in 2010 and 2015, and who gleefully voted your futures away in 2016.
I'm a regular blood donor. Know what's more painful than giving blood? Two things: the finger prick test, and taking the plaster off my hairy arm 6hrs later. I'm about to remove the plaster. Please pray to Mars in his capacity as a protector against injuries while I endure this painful experience.
For a different character, in a different book series, I did some research into dementia and memory loss, and it was pretty fascinating. It never came up in the story itself, but in the real world ~1 in 6 cases of mild cognitive impairment progress to full dementia. #HorrorWritersChat
#HorrorWritersChat question 4 (last question but stick around in ten minutes for the outro): And finally, tell us an interesting fact that you learnt in your research about disability in any work of fiction. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
#HorrorWritersChat I am truly being chaotic here, answering out of order. I have no horror WIP on the table right now, I know! I know. I'm mostly ghost writing. But I have two to get on with in hopefully a couple of months. Both arthouse. 1. Why am I alone here? 2. The sky bleeds yellow. We die
So here we are with #HorrorWritersChat question 1: Here we go with question 1: Introduce yourself: tell us who you are and sum up your current horror WIP in six words or fewer P.S. Don't forget the tag!
#HorrorWritersChat I remember when Emily was talking about what she called the hunting cats, living in 1940s London, and her words were simple but strong. She linked it all up in her head, and while her process was different to ours, it made sense. And it was poignant. I cried a lot writing Emily.
#HorrorWritersChat question 3: Tell us about your favourite scene including the character from question two. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
getting back in late. #HorrorWritersChat It would be a toss up between Brandon who is deaf, or Emily who is autistic. I love them both. I would say that for Brandon, his disability was what broke the mould for him, and helped him with the bookshop: for Emily, it fuelled her sense of justice.
#HorrorWritersChat question 2: July is Disability Pride Month. Tell us about your favourite disabled character creation. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
Has anyone considered giving Rishi Sunak a Voight-Kampff test? Because right now, I'm convinced he's a replicant running on a ChatGPT version 1 operating system.
This sounds great! Go grab it
Thank you for another great #HorrorWritersChat, Matt! My holiday horror “Hanging On” is part of the epic summer/winter Smashwords sale, so if you want to read about a little girl, a haunted toy telephone, and a terrifying Christmas for FREE, now is the time!
If you want to know what happens when an anxious overplanner hits an obstacle she never imagined, feel free to check out Seek Shelter Now. The tornado comes with so much more. Available at all these places, plus Amazon and my ko-fi shop if you don't want to support a corp.
That's it for another week #HorrorWritersChat BlueSky has no algorithm so the best way to support the community is to share and comment on others posts! The feed makes that super easy for you: Anything to share? New releases? Sale? 👇 PROMOTE YOURSELF IN THE REPLIES HERE!
Available now at your favorite digital store! Seek Shelter Now by Stellan Dickerson
My shapeshifter short horror is currently FREE on itch (though I wouldn't say no to a tip if you like it) #HorrorWritersChat
That's it for another week #HorrorWritersChat BlueSky has no algorithm so the best way to support the community is to share and comment on others posts! The feed makes that super easy for you: Anything to share? New releases? Sale? 👇 PROMOTE YOURSELF IN THE REPLIES HERE!
And The Silver Shining Over by A short horror story
#HorrorWritersChat Relevant to the social commentary in Insomniac Cafe, I learned about the social model of disability. To oversimplify: the idea is that disabilities are mostly disabling *because* our society will not accommodate our various needs. It's a thought-provoking google.
#HorrorWritersChat question 4 (last question but stick around in ten minutes for the outro): And finally, tell us an interesting fact that you learnt in your research about disability in any work of fiction. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
Hi I’m Anna. Umm… End-of-life carer meets End-of-Universe eldritch deity. Kinda cheating with the compound nouns there, sorry. #HorrorWritersChat
So here we are with #HorrorWritersChat question 1: Here we go with question 1: Introduce yourself: tell us who you are and sum up your current horror WIP in six words or fewer P.S. Don't forget the tag!
I have a character who is Mute and another who has learning difficulties in my WIP - but me personally I endure Chronic pain and have a few other challenges #HorrorWritersChat question 2
#HorrorWritersChat question 2: July is Disability Pride Month. Tell us about your favourite disabled character creation. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
Thanks, Matt! If you want to read what happens when an anxious overplanner discovers an obstacle she never even thought of, feel free to check out Seek Shelter Now. Available all those places, plus Amazon and directly from my ko-fi shop if you don't want to support a corp.
Available now at your favorite digital store! Seek Shelter Now by Stellan Dickerson
#HorrorWritersChat - When Monica Velazquez was a girl, her mother thought the eidetic memory was evil. She found her putting a puzzle together starting at a random piece and flung the pieces, then took a handful. Monica put it together (including the blank spaces) with what was left.
#HorrorWritersChat question 3: Tell us about your favourite scene including the character from question two. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
#HorrorWritersChat My favorite part involving the Monica-from-Friends analog is a sequence criticizing how extremely weird and scary her relationship with her dad's friend was. It cuts between Richard interacting with her as a small child, and their sexual relationship once she's an adult.
#HorrorWritersChat question 3: Tell us about your favourite scene including the character from question two. P.S. Don’t forget the tag!