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Software developer, anime fan, retrogamer, lover of nature, and pursuer of other geeky pursuits. He/him.

Co-host of amokenzoku.com/podcast/ with the other "Bubblegum Crisis Boomer Otaku" (aka excuse for 00s anime club friends to chat about weeb stuff)
Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty interesting to me. Best wishes for your defense when you get that far (if you haven't already?)
Everything in this post-truth hellworld we find ourselves in is vibes based, though... much as I REALLY hate to admit it as a normie shitlib...
Or like the original Mad Max which isn't a post-apocalyptic movie (that's the sequels) it's a "civil society is going to shit" movie set during a period of rapid social decline but with pockets of normalcy.
Yeah. I'm not spouting off right wing nonsense but jfc my timeline on there is dire in a way it never used to be even a few months ago. Virtually every post on there has a reply using the r-slur, the f-slur, the n-word, being wildly anti-Semitic, or more likely several of the above, plus porn bots.
TIL Don Quixote was the Reefer Madness of its era.
Probably, but would actually spending that time watching a bad movie be what I was doing with it if I wasn't watching RLM? Probably not. 😅
I still enjoy RLM, but I only watch their takes on movies I've already seen or movies it's very unlikely I will ever get around to watching.
There are definitely some corporations that *deserve* to fry, if that was ever a thing that we actually contemplated in this country.
Is corporate fried swag like chicken fried steak, i.e. swag fried in the manner in which one would normally fry a corporation?
Seems possible, though you would still need a way to deal with CSE posts that doesn't count as distributing them. I don't know enough about the legal technicalities there.
Part of the problem is that nobody wants to pay enough for the social media sites they use (or, generally, anything at all for them) for hiring enough T&S personnel to be realistic.
Absent treating social media as a public good with moderation funded by taxation, which presents its own problems wrt free speech, especially in the US with the first amendment, I'm not sure how we square that circle.
Can vouch that my anime podcast is all of the above, though we pretty freely admit that it's mostly an excuse for old college friends to hang out online and chat. I'm surprised we have at least two listeners who aren't former classmates or coworkers. Not sure what they're thinking/smoking tbh. 🤣
If you want a reasonably cheap exam without insurance, your local Costco may be an option if they have an optical department and an optometrist with a concession in-store. The one in my area is $79 for an eyeglass exam, and that's in California so it may still be cheaper elsewhere.
Probably the ultimate example of Origin's old internal saying commonly paraphrased and misattributed to Miyamoto “A game’s only late until it ships, but it sucks forever.”
One thing I really really love about the remake is that modern animation can capture Lum's hair in a way that wasn't really feasible in cel animation. I always wondered what the ever-changing way Takahashi painted it in color would look like in motion.
I love this reboot but I also loved some of the Oshii-esque touches in the original, so I'm not going to say this one replaces it for me.
This is certainly true at least for some of the people who run reactor channels and haven't watched non-new-release movies - others I'm skeptical about, but some seem genuine.
It's especially nice when you see a genuine reaction to a twist that was spoiled for the audience at the time because it was in the trailers/commercials, like Terminator 2.
The crazy thing about The Sixth Sense in hindsight is how well the unspoken agreement between those who had seen it not to spoil it for those who hadn't held at the time. I can't imagine that in the modern era of social media.
We're talking about the common reaction image of the recently deceased actor, right? For a hot second I thought we were talking about Soylent Green.
If there was any sense that people should have shame about such things in this country, it died around the time that "influencer" not only became a job description but one that kids aspire to.
It sounds better and is easier to say with small numbers imo, but when you get to "kilobaud" vs "kbps" it's about even.
Yup. Also the confusion of a floppy with twice the capacity of a "720KB" floppy actually being 1.406MiB, so it was easier to sell them as "1.44MB". But yeah, carrying that marketing bs forward into gigabyte and terrabyte drives is ridiculous.
Also baud rate technically stopped corresponding to bps with Bell 212A and V.22 (1200 bps / 600 baud) though I remember almost everyone using it inaccurately for another 10-15 years, through at least 9600 or 14400.
Pre-Intel dominance, 8 bit bytes were the standard for almost all of the early microprocessors. Yes 8008/8080/x86 but also 680x/680xx, 650x, and several others. But yeah, before that with mainframes/minicomputers it was anything goes.