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No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
Wes’ form for sucking up to the big boys includes an arson attack on a pet shop. Animals burned to death in a dare to gain membership of an exclusive dining club; so he’d have no problem burning the NHS to the ground to satiate his Blairite pals & multiple private healthcare donors to Labour.
Wes Streeting is DESPERATE to be future Labour Leader, so don’t think for one second the #NHS is safe in his hands. He’s appointed this motley crew of Blairite advisers, all of whom are committed to privatisation and have actual form for it.
Thread by @carolinejmolloy on Thread Reader @carolinejmolloy: @wesstreeting Hi Wes! You forgot a big part of the team - your advisors! I’m sure that was inadvertent, so let me fill it in for you! First, there’s Paul Corrigan, who advocated priv...
Wow what cute markings! She’s giving Rosina Wachtmeister kitty energy.
I swear Larry looks at least five years younger since the Tories got booted out. (Maybe we all do 😹) #LoveYouLarry
This pisses me off too. Animals died.
😻 OMC he’s there right meow!! 😻 (Sitting in his favorite window: hint it’s the one on the left).
Are you sure? 😸
The Murdoch MSM might be fluffing for all they’re worth, but fact is that Labour didn’t gain substantial votes, they won because our voting system dropped a ton of lost Tory seats into their laps because that’s how non-PR voting works. Just look at the Reform vote share: 4M votes = 4 seats. #GE2024
No one trusts you either, babe. How many lies and u-turns? How many left-wing Jews did you expel? (More than every other party combined) Wheeling out Epstein’s noncy friends to campaign for you? You might have gained a ton of seats but you only gained 1.5% of the vote share. #GE2024
If Keir Starmer genuinely wanted to put Country before Party, he’d have put more effort into preventing Putin puppet Farage getting a seat, but he was more bothered about trying to deny Corbyn one instead. Not only did he fail at the latter, but he personally lost more than 8K voters. #GE2024
Beth Rigby wearing Reform blue is a mood 🤭 #GE2024
Nothing but respect for MY Prime Minister. #LoveYouLarry #GE2024
So the Exit Poll shows the expected Labour landslide. It’s hard to be happy knowing that we’ve just swapped blue Tories for a bunch of red ones, and an openly Zionist leader with a “wrong type of Jew” problem. How long until the toxic element implodes? 🍿 #MurdochPuppet #SameShitDifferentDepth
if you see this, post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it
if you see this, post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it
If you see this, post a Doc.
If you see this, post a Doc.
OMC just found out a new series of Green Wing (surreal, funny AF hospital prog/documentary 😅) dropped! Only available on Audible, it has the original cast, including she of the mashed potatoes in her handbag Olivia Coleman. LOTS of love for it in the reviews 😽😸😺
NO. Which is all Wes needed to say to this question, if he was innocent.
Oh well, at least I tried, can you all like me now?
Shaun Ryder & Bez still being alive is proof that miracles exist, and 💯 genius casting by #CelebrityGogglebox “These young kids watch us on the iPad and start wondering who these two old bastards are – by the time the programme ends, they’ve downloaded all our albums.” 😹😹😹
I didn’t have raw milk, raw meat, raw offal smoothies on my 2024 bingo card 🤢🤮🤮 ‘…ingredients include a supplement powder made from uncooked, freeze-dried beef liver, heart, kidney, spleen and pancreas…topped with whipped coconut cream blended with powdered cow colostrum’
STOP ✋If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon check point. You’re now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. As a surprise to exactly no one, mine is this pretty kitty: #Meowth #CatsRule
STOP ✋If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon check point. You’re now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. Sableye and Squirtle are my top boiis
my brain when someone asks me how im doing
my brain when someone asks me how im doing
Hahaha love it! Gotta admit this became a mealtime favorite for a while:
Clearly the wrong issues to use. Try these, Liz: 🚩He’s a war criminal who co-seeded ISIS et al. 🚩He saddled the NHS with PFI debt (still being paid off), opening the doors to privatisation. 🚩Thatcher declared him as her greatest achievement. 🚩He got rid of Humphrey the then Downing Street Cat 😾
Liz Truss thinks the person who had the greatest electoral success in Labour Party history with ten years in No 10 was a worse PM than she was in her 49 days. Why? Because - checks notes - Tony Blair brought in the Equality Act, the Human Rights Act and the Climate Change Act.
But wait! There’s more. 😸
Every now and then Apple releases a new health metric for their Watch, and the last one was METS - metabolic equivalent of task. My post shower MET is usually 8 but can be 12+. My highest non-shower score is 20 - equivalent of a half marathon. I was afuckingsleep 🤦🏻‍♀️ #arrhythmias #dysautonomia
Was wondering if it was radium which at one time got put in everything from bread to toothpaste, and when I went looking found this ⬇️ Now I need to know WTAF is going on in the illustration but I also don’t want to know (whatever you do, don’t miss the clown 😆)