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"The most remarkable thing about Saturday’s shooting is not that Trump was the target of an attempt on his life, but that, because the Secret Service was on hand and dispatched Thomas Matthew Crooks right quick, there was only one fatality."
Crooks & Liar: Notes on the Trump Rally What we felt and why we felt it.
Hi, can I ask what the pre-med protocol was, and if it completely stopped negative effects of the 2nd vaccine? (I had minor side effects after 1st mRNA but the 2nd one was WAY worse and is still kicking my ass - dysautonomia/MCAS/CTE). I’d really appreciate if you could share your experience? TIA x
Don’t Worry. The US Bird Flu Response Builds On Lessons Learned From Covid.
You're probably awash in think pieces on Vance. Here's what doomers actually need to know about him:
What We All Need to Know About J.D. He matters.
If you are paying attention to bird flu, we have gone from counting infected cows to counting infected people
“I will never better this. My work here is done. Mwahhahahahah. Purrrrr. Feed me”.
Well at least they’re trying when throwing up on your laptop instead of your bed 😅 Was it you who invented the iPad btw? 😸
I don’t know the story here but obviously my best guess is “tripped over the cat going down stairs in the dark but still love him to bits anyway”. Photo from my collection, 1958.
“Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same.” -
Costa Rica's Land Sparing One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
I asked my aunt, the doctor, how worried she is that since Friday there have been reports of five cases of H5N1 amongst poultry workers in Colorado and after a moment she replied: it’s not a great sign when we shift from counting infected herds to counting infected people.
*Cat does one of those looks that sears into your soul*. You hear the following boom right into your heart, uncertain from where it came yet fully knowing it’s The Cat: “some higher beings don’t even need speech, Anna”. Instantly you fall to your feet, sobbing and kissing his huge freckly manpaws 🐾
Pattern matching skillz 💯
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
Mir läuft es jedes Mal kalt den Rücken runter...
Oh wow, you have a penguin now too? 😸
Why Are So Many People Suffering From So Many Conditions That We’re Sure Can’t Have Been Caused By Covid?
BRB off to buy a pack of Doritos so this kitty has more room to loaf 😸
Wes’ form for sucking up to the big boys includes an arson attack on a pet shop. Animals burned to death in a dare to gain membership of an exclusive dining club; so he’d have no problem burning the NHS to the ground to satiate his Blairite pals & multiple private healthcare donors to Labour.
Wes Streeting is DESPERATE to be future Labour Leader, so don’t think for one second the #NHS is safe in his hands. He’s appointed this motley crew of Blairite advisers, all of whom are committed to privatisation and have actual form for it.
Thread by @carolinejmolloy on Thread Reader @carolinejmolloy: @wesstreeting Hi Wes! You forgot a big part of the team - your advisors! I’m sure that was inadvertent, so let me fill it in for you! First, there’s Paul Corrigan, who advocated priv...
Wes Streeting is DESPERATE to be future Labour Leader, so don’t think for one second the #NHS is safe in his hands. He’s appointed this motley crew of Blairite advisers, all of whom are committed to privatisation and have actual form for it.
Thread by @carolinejmolloy on Thread Reader @carolinejmolloy: @wesstreeting Hi Wes! You forgot a big part of the team - your advisors! I’m sure that was inadvertent, so let me fill it in for you! First, there’s Paul Corrigan, who advocated priv...
Read the card as “mush there” and was totally confused for a moment 😁
When the messengers become the message in order to enrich themselves they are no longer messengers, instead they have become vultures stripping the carcass of what was once the noble profession of journalism. Sad!
Been cataloguing how media is framing stories in this thread. In the absence of facts (or known motive), mixed with the need to rush for publication so as to get “more eyeballs”, media can often create a narrative that can be as dangerous as the act itself.
Congratulations to Spain. The best team won. That’s a simple fact and disagreeing with it isn’t an excuse for taking anger out on others. #Euros
Reminder: If #England get beaten, so will she. #DomesticViolence increases by 26% when #England win or draw and 38% if they lose. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and press 55 on the keypad. Women- Refuge on 0808 2000 247 Men- Respect Men 0808 8010327
Cat: “The hoom continues to be oblivious to my covert training and even thinks I think I’m still having rain water instead of the freshly drawn water she puts down every morning. I watch her from afar to assess her progress and test readiness for the Hand Peeled Prawns Module. Soon, I hope! 🍤 😋 🐾
His new thing— besides hunting bugs and eating them, seen here— is only drinking water from the sprinklers or rain water we collect in a bucket for the plants
Evisceration in 3…2…