
I don't know about creative temperaments. I do know that the problems of writing a novel (what happens next, how do I get unstuck, why is this plot a disjointed mess, what are the characters even doing) are all solved by writing the book. AKA, the process of writing a book is solving those problems.
I’m not even going to apologize for this statement: if you need or even just want AI to come up with ideas or think through plot points for you, you don’t have the appropriate creative temperament to be a writer.
An awful lot of the time you find out what you're doing by doing it. That's just how it works. Why am I stuck? Because X, where X turns out to be the crucial point on which the eventual book will turn. You have to find X to solve the book.
I ground out 50K of my WIP with post viral fatigue (don't shout at me) and it's shit, with a whole bunch of randomness and loose threads and characters bouncing off each other. But I sat down yesterday to plot out how the ending will work and lo and behold, everything is starting to make sense.
All the problems I can very clearly see in the WIP have solutions, and all those solutions are clicking into place, and when I rewrite the fucker, it's going to work. *That* makes a book. Not a plagiarism generator offering you a pound shop bastardised version of what Nora Roberts might have done.
If you don't want to solve your own book problems, or put in the work to cooperate with a beta reader, or the work/money to hire an editor, may I humbly suggest that writing a novel is not in fact compulsory and you could always take up watercolours.