
I am doing a 26-mile walk on Saturday to raise money for the Alzheimers Society. (Probably on my own as Mr KJC has covid.) Can I hoover up any more sponsorship? Please donate if you can and share, make my future blisters worthwhile!
KJ's fundraiser for Alzheimer's Help KJ Charles raise money to support Alzheimer's Society
The Alzheimers Society have been incredible in helping with a loved one who has this awful affliction. They're an invaluable resource for the millions of people affected. Any support is deeply appreciated and will do good. (also c'mon, 26 mile walk, throw me a bone.)
If there is any chance at all that you have covid, please do not do this walk. You'd be risking your life. Lots of young athletes have died from performing while they had covid, and a healthy friend of mine went on a gentle cycling holiday a month after suspected covid and died of a heart attack.