
Listen man, I took a 50% pay cut to go from the corporate world to work for a state policy-focused think tank when Trump was president. I do this shit because I think it's important for the country my kids will grow up in, not as part of some grift. I don't actually want bad things to happen.
yes some Democrats are gleeful about this fundraising opportunity. That's the problem.
Also when you donate to Give Smart I don't take a cent! It all goes directly to candidates! I'm asking for money now because people want to do something productive. I wish we were in the second term of HRC's presidency and I was the procurement lawyer with a funny Twitter account instead, trust me
Campaigns need money and big moments are opportunities for that, I don't really know what people are expecting?
I mean this somewhat seriously. They would like events to proceed in a clear narrative with good guys who agree with them and bad guys in power who lose the end.
That was just a other fly buzzing in to lap up the shit when things go wrong. Its the alpha and omega of their politics.