
man had his license reinstated, but the courts fucked up and didn't file proper notice he's had valid driver's license since 2022 and spent two days in jail because of the fuckup ☹️
Michigan man driving during viral Zoom court hearing had license suspension lifted in Corey Harris, a 44-year-old Michigan man who went viral during a May 15 virtual court hearing, had the suspension on his license lifted in 2022.
Reinstate a drivers license: "…can be complicated." Throw a man in jail: “easy!”
You'd be surprised how often clerical errors like this happen. I worked at the 37th District in Warren, MI and it was so out of control that the state ordered a thorough audit of all criminal, civil and traffic cases.
The important thing is, we all got a good laugh at the man (whose initial punishment wasn't even for anything driving related).
But he was in court on a new charge of driving while suspended, the trial was set. He was asking for a continuance on that charge. Why wasn't this noticed before trial?
Neither he nor his attorney asserted that during the hearing. Might have made a huge difference
His license was originally suspended not for any kind of traffic violation, but because of a failure to pay child support. WTF? How is denying him use of a car gonna help make him pay child support? This is getting more absurd every moment.
is this the sort of unlawful confinement that he could be compensated for, or is it just an oops, tough luck situation?
I would guess it wouldn't be automatic; he would need to sue for it. This is the United States, after all.
Man, I can't believe I fell for that Jay Leno shit.