
altitude of 7,000 feet and population of 8,000 all them ordered to immediately evacuate due to dangerous and fast spreading 5,500+ acre 0% contaimed wildfire this is Ruidoso New Mexico about 60 miles to the west of where im at lots of stuff to burn this is apocalypse-level disaster very very bad
evacuation route to the east had already been blocked so only option for those 8,000 evacuees is Roswell itself, having population of about 48,000 no fire danger here but city resources will be strained a lot so staying home for the next several days
Oh, that sucks. That's a beautiful area, too. Hope the fire stays far from you.
im sure it will, thanks friend. good news is rain is forecast for Ruidoso this week
Bring on the monsoon! 💔🙏💦