Kneel Downe

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Kneel Downe

Author. Creator of the critically acclaimed VirulentBlurb universe. Chaos Wizard. Wizard King.
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Trump now says he is against sanctions on Russia.
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Shares in Taiwanese companies plummeted after Trump said Taiwan should pay the US for defence and said it would be “very, very difficult” for the US to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack. He claimed “Taiwan” stole our chip industry.
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Tuesday night’s waxing gibbous Moon- 16 July 2024 🔭
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Facing extreme weather without the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would be mayhem. But Project 2025 lays out a plan to dismantle the agency #DontLookUp
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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Working from her studio on the Northumberland UK coastline, Ali Elly is an environmental artist whose artworks are inspired by the seas and oceans of our fragile planet. Connecting to a scientific narrative, her work helps highlight many important issues facing vulnerable and endangered marine life.
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Hirō Isono was a Japanese painter and illustrator, known for his intricate and fantastical scenes of tropical jungles and animals. He traveled extensively in the South Pacific, Africa and North America. He is known in gaming circles for his work on the Mana series of games. The Secret of Mana, 1993
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The EU is expecting Britain to bring something to the table about youth mobility. Starmer has expressly ruled out anything to do with re-establishing freedom of movement. Starmer is going to have to get off his high horse.
EU leaders ‘open-minded’ about future relations with UK, says senior Bloc sources say ball firmly in UK’s court regarding reset of ties as leaders prepare to meet at Blenheim for EPC forum
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🔭 Отражательная и эмиссионная туманность NGC 6729 расположена в созвездии Южной Короны. Это участок крупного молекулярного облака, подсвечиваемого двумя яркими звёздами: R Coronae Australis и star T CrA. Расстояние до всего комплекса оценивается в 425 световых лет. Credit: Josh (astrobin)
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Willet at East Ocean Isle Beach this Morning 🪶
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17 July 1864 | An Italian Jewish woman, Clotilde Nissim (nee Levi), was born. She arrived in #Auschwitz on 6 February 1944 in a transport of 700 Jews deported from Milan and Verona. She was among 572 of them murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.
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Exactly 10 years ago. Russia shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine with a BUK surface to air missile. All 298 passengers and crew, of which 196 Dutch people, were killed. A black day. The world will never forget.. 🕯️
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According to the Torygraph, Priti Patel is to run for Tory leadership. Backers are convinced that the former home secretary is only candidate who can unite Conservative Party. Clowns! 🤡 🍿
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Marbles teal ducklings are very squeeeee! #birds
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The Tories knew they were driving the country into a wall and did it anyway because it was easier than stopping, admitting how wrong they were, looking at a map and working out a different route. And that’s why no-one from the Tory wreckage deserves to be forgiven
Rishi Sunak ‘risked breaching legal responsibilities over prison crisis’ Exclusive: leaked letters said without urgent action the system in England and Wales would reach ‘critical failure’
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🔭 Туманность Омега (M17), находится на расстоянии 5500 св. лет от нас в созвездии Стрельца. Поле зрения снимка охватывает область размером более 30 св. лет. Автор снимка: Ritesh Biswas, 26 - 27 мая 2023 года.
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A clumpy galaxy in a merger, observed with the Hubble Space Telescope in the COSMOS survey. It is at redshift 0.65 (lookback time 6.21 billion years) with coordinates (150.14794, 2.55310). 54 volunteers classified this galaxy in Galaxy Zoo: Hubble.🔭
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As trustee of a carer-support charity I agree: “the new gov must shift to investing in more social care, supporting unpaid carers, and providing healthcare in our local community to prevent people reaching crisis point and ending up in hospital in the first place”
Hospital discharges limiting home care in England, councils Authorities say attempts to clear NHS backlogs sucking up scant funds at expense of preventive care
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On 21st August will be the UK's biggest astronomical event of the year. An occultation of Saturn by the Moon. Early morning action begins after 4am. 🔭 🧪 #Astrophotography
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