
this one screen cap says so much about the right wing ethos imagine hating on mr rogers for telling kids you're special just how you are
"Children having hopes and dreams? We can't allow that!"
Seriously what is WRONG with these people? What is their malfunction? I've been trying to understand them for years and just don't. They seem to hate everything that is good in the world, for no real reason. They don't benefit from it. Most of them are already rich and poweful. The fuck?
It's the same for when the federalist went after Dolly Parton. They don't care how genuinely good they are as people, but the moment they show compassion to everybody instead of a select few, they take issue with it.
it's flavors of white supremacy. the culture white ppl brought here depends on the idea that kindness is a) a limited resource, b) wasted on ppl who do not directly benefit you, and c) a sign of weakness. when columbus encountered Indigenous ppls who had a tradition of sharing resources instead of-
hoarding them for only yourself and your family's betterment, he assumed them mentally deficient and wrote about how stupid they were in journals.
it also explains why white folks are so dead set on the "you're an adult, now make your own way and don't ask me for help" model of family. it's just cultural selfishness. the ways in which my relatives approach family really do fall along lines of "are they white or not?"
Yeah, sometimes it can be a culture shock when seeing how other families handle help/assistance, and also the residual trauma and embarrassment in asking for help. Humanity has always been a social species. If anything, it's anti-social and against our interests to hoard :/
They likely don’t *actually* hate these things. But they want poor people to hate these things, so they won’t be focused on eating the rich.
They want to crush everyone that they perceive as trying to not be in "their place" on the hierarchy. They are authoritarians. They want an aristocracy.
This looks like it was from the 90s. That guy is way older now.
Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions on too little information, but it sure seems like they've made a livelihood on keeping people frightened, angry, or otherwise ginned up to keep their eyes glued to their network. And I suspect rich people rarely decide they're rich enough and stop there.
"your kids aren't special how they are, they need Jesus to make them special, they need to turn to God and repent for how they are and THEN they can be made special"
One would think Mr Rogers who privately wasn't exactly trans positive would be a right wing talking head favourite, but no - of course not. Individual empowerment in the land of freedom and opportunity? We can't have that.
That whole *thing* was entirely manufactured by the right to begin with, so they did try But it didn't stick so they went back to their default position of hating him
First, it was the 90's or sooner, Second, I want some sources.
I stand corrected. What I referred to had been deceptively edited. The error was mine for assuming "nobody's perfect" and not thinking any more of it.
He wasn't perfect, but he was REALLY progressive for the era he was in.
Unless I misheard, he also admitted he wasn't perfect too. Which is a big thing
And again, I should reiterate the information I based my original statement on was doctored, and it was a mistake I was not more skeptical about it.
It is deeply rooted in the core of conservatism that being mean to others, refusing to help them and actively making their lives harder, is *good* for them. From "tough love" parenting to objectivism, it's all rationalization for being a a piece of shit and feeling OK about it.
I got thought what life "is all about" the hard way and so should everyone else! I didn't turn out an asshole! -Yes you did.
They out here saying The Muppets were too mean to Tex Richman, oil tycoon.
yeah that is the point "There is a hierarchy, and you belong where you are, you are nothing, you should submit to your betters"
They hate anything that teaches children to have empathy and compassion for others. It's why they hated "Bluey" so much they made that damned chinchilla cartoon with Rob Schneider.
And then years later, endorse a guy who was part of the entitlement generation and is only doing things if he got something out of it.
They would stone Jesus to death after he spoke even if he descended from Heaven right in front of them.
And this was, what, in the 90’s-early 2000’s? God, and I thought the right’s insanity was much more recent. 🙃
Alas, it was not. Nixon wasn't even their first monster.
Conservatives worst trait is that they are mean bastards
As far as I know, 4chan - 4-fucking-chan! - has a rule against insulting him as far as I know. Someone tried to dig dirt up on him and nada. Gandhi is less of a saint than this guy. And you go after him?