
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
That's what I am doing. Voting against Project 2025
Yeah. That's one reason I'm going the porn route. There's a ton of reasons to be against it, but we're an arts community. Imagine if they came in sand you can't draw that anymore... and if you do, you're going to jail. Pure chaos. People SHOULD be afraid of what they're telling them they'll do.
Is that a SFW commission... but it has a rainbow? Banned. Twink? Banned. Anything LGBT adjacent banned. While this is a bit of fearmongering, they could just outright say since furry is by and large LGBT all of it is now outlawed. They'd have that power.
given the insanity of proj 2025, the furries in schools manufactured scandals as of late, their love for generalization, etc.., yeah that could easily happen
Yeah, they've been targeting us with brazen lies, and... I don't even know how people believe them, they're so stupid. What, students only respond in meows and barks and the schools are powerless to do anything about it? Even their lies are stupid.
(these) people will take a sensation at face value if its against something theyre already distasteful towards what disfavor does it do em if its not true
Considering the amount of satanic panics white Americans have on a daily basis, they will believe any lie that their God fearing selves will hear.
These are people who lost their mind and shot at cans of Bud Light as a weird statement because some fake promotional cans were made for a single video. Before that they set their Nike shoes on fire. And before that, they shot Keurigs. They've got some latent anger issues.
Decades of their world being shut down with civil rights will do that
There's a certain level of bitterness the folks who recite passages like "Judge not, that ye be not judged yourself," are the people doin' heavy judging. But that's why I hated going to church as a kid. People said one thing, did another. They didn't follow their own rules.
I swear people see church and religion not as a guide but as a moral car wash.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is in full effect.
Don't forget the Yeti coolers.
They know their audience: gullible, emotional, hate-filled